3. First Day

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Jungkook was sleeping peacefully until his sleep got interrupted by the alarm at first he ignored the alarm but then he forced himself to get up so that he can reach on time as he looked at the time he got up and went to washroom to do his business as he had pretty much time,he could go all lazy in any work

After a long good bath he came out and applied some moisturizer and then some body lotion on his body he then opens his closet to see what he can wear and takes out a white shirt and black pant quickly wears them and then applied some makeup,made breakfast for  himself and took out his phone from charging and scrolled through the phone waiting for his boss to pick him up.

After some minutes there comes a horn and kook immediately looks outside from his window,he quickly wears his shoes and takes his things and went downstairs while the ceo was standing leaning back on his car "thought you would be late" tae says with a chuckle and kook just sits in the car after him being embarrassed.

It was all silent ride but jungkook didn't failed to notice the change of ceo's expression as he got into the car

like one minute he was smiling being all sweet and now he's looking like he could kill a man should i ask him if he's okay? Ehh I don't think so what if he gets mad on me on the first day no no no! Maybe he's just stressed from the work and all, but should i even care about him? Ofc ofc atleast not as sn acquaintance but atleast as a human i should---

"--kook" Jungkook's thought got interrupted by his ceo "huh?" "The office" Taehyung says while gesturing from his towards the building "where were you lost?"
Taehyung asks getting down from the car, (in you) "nothing" jungkook said and followed his boss

"Hey hey who are you?" One lady asked me putting her hand on my shoulder preventing me to go in and i looked towards my boss who came back as he went a little far away cause ofc no one stopped him "He is my new secretary, and don't you dare to stop him or anyone that comes with me" Taehyung's voice became deep and stern sending shivers down to the spine of jungkook "Mr. Jeon come with me" Taehyung said while grabbing Jungkook's and dragged him to the lift with him and jungkook,the boy didn't even got time for reaction

Ding both of the males came out of the lift and again Taehyung was taking big steps and jungkook was literally running behind him to match with his pace

"This is your office, it's connected from mine but we only use that door in emergency so don't open that door just like that okie?" Taehyung said a little soft from the way he was talking with that lady and Jungkook nodded, "words" Taehyung demanded "Okay" Jungkook said "I'll send Yoongi (hyung) to show you your work okie?" Taehyung asks again "Okay" Jungkook said "Good" Taehyung complimented him and went to his office.

Jungkook's pov--

I was admiring my office while i saw there was pretty much space  at the table i could put some of the needed things here and i found some sticky notes

*lunch with Mr. Seo*
*Dinner with Mr. Kim* 

It seemed as if they were written by his the last secretary i found a book, i could read it in free time but i do have free time so i was about to open the book but then there was a knock on my office's door "come in" i said while putting the book back and as i turned around i saw a guy he looks like a cat and his skin tone looks as if his body doesn't runs blood but only plasma and he is handsome

"Jungkook?" He asked
"Yes I'm" i said "here's the schedule of your boss today and look this one is important tell his not to skip it and from here u can see all his email and the other account is for whole company well they rarely send mails there---" he told me everything and it took him an hour to put everything in my brain

"That's it and if you have any doubt ask me, ohh by the way I'm Min Yoongi and my office is on 9th floor" he said with a little smile "nice to meet you and Do we only have mine and sir's office on this floor?" I asked "well yes but there's one reception, small eating corner and a small room and all to relax but only you boss uses that nobody else can" he warned him and thank god he warned me  "isn't he your boss too?" I asked cause the man kept saying your boss your boss "well in a way but before that he is my friend and I'm older than him so he insists me to not call him boss" he told me with a simple smile and i just did ohh "well that's it I'm off call me if you need anything" he said while closing the door "okay Jungkook get ready do your best! Fighting!" i encouraged myself

Author's pov--

Jungkook went to his boss office immediately and knocked on the door and from inside there came a come in, Jungkook opened the door and if Taehyung wasn't here Jungkook would have played football in his office it was that much big but ofcourse he just kept on a normal face expression "Good Morning sir" and tae nodded "Your schedule for today us that you have three meetings first at 11 AM with
Mr. Kim then next and most important one that you can't skip is the meeting with our French share holder at 2PM and then a meeting with Mr. Leo at 4PM and after that you are free"

"Hmm okie so we'll have lunch and dinner together for today is that okie?" Taehyung said "yes sir" Jungkook replied  "And if you are free please make me a cup of coffee.." Taehyung demanded "okie sir I'll make it right away" Jungkook bows and leaves the ceo's office to find the coffee machine at the food corner

While in the office---

Umm what should i do?? Should i shift his office into mine or should i merge his whole office into mine but that would invade his privacy ughh! Wait what? Why would i do something like that! He is just an employee Kim Taehyung just an employee i need something so i can get my heart and mind over him!

And he started signing the files infront of him to distract himself and after some minutes the door was knocked "come in" Taehyung said "Here's your coffee sir" Jungkook placed it infront of Taehyung and was about to leave "jungk-ook!" Taehyung face palmed himself for stuttering "yes sir?" Jungkook turned around "we will be leaving for the meeting in some minutes,be ready" Taehyung ordered "okay sir" Jungkook left to his office

Just yes sir okay sir can't he talk to me about some more things-- WHAT ARE YOU THINKING KIM TAEHYUNG! STOP!

Taehyung rubbed his temples and started working again


That's the end for this chapter ik it's not a good ending but I'll compensate it in next chapter:)

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