7. Meeting or Date?

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Birds chirping, Soft sunlight falls on everywhere as if showering earth with love and it sneakily enters to a bedroom through a window where two boys were sleeping peacefully looking utterly handsome in each others arms, holding close as if their life depends on each other

Ring! Ring! Ring!

An alarm disturbs their peaceful sleep "ugh another day" Jungkook grunted out as he opens his eyes only to find the reason to have morning that is good really good him and Taehyung? Tangled with each other? And the boy couldn't stop blushing trying to get out of the bed "junggukkie stayyyy~~" the elder with his deep voice, pouts pulling him in the bed again making the younger confuse with his duality "hyung offic-ce?" Jungkook hesitates "fuck it I'm the boss" the elder grunts out being annoyed "your schedule is really tight today so Mr. Kim get up, also you hav---" "okyy fine just 5 more minutes darlin can i?" The elder asks being a gentleman "fineee" Jungkook permits only to get the hold on his waist tighter and he doesn't protests just to let his heart win over his brain this time

As they got up , Jungkook made breakfast that they both enjoyed while chit chatting with each other then Taehyung went home to get changed and till then his assistant got ready and then they went to office together as per their daily routine

"Ughh! don't tell me sugar i have another meeting! I'm so fuckin tired!" Taehyung begged being exhausted enough already after doing 4 meetings in line " sure sir there are no other meetings than meeting your soon to be boyfriend" Jungkook informed his boss letting him sigh out in releif "when?" Taehyung asks closing his eyes "At 5 P.M." Jungkook responds massaging his boss shoulder " Thank you kook! Also if you have any work complete it before 5 yeah?" Taehyung says getting relaxed "okie then I'll be in my office now till then you sign these and tell me what to write back to the Russians" Jungkook says putting the bundle of files on Taehyung's table and after bowing he leaves the office "Ughh! Okay you got this Taehyung! Fighting" Taehyung encourages himself as he starts signing the files

"I'm done ggukkie" Taehyung says opening the door to Jungkook's office "Russia--" "Tell them we're ready to model their clothes but the stylists and all the staff covering the event will be our" Taehyung cuts Jungkook off while putting the files on Jungkook's table indicating he's really done with the work but it's only 4 "so eager to meet your boyfriend aren't you?" Jungkook says looking into the computer typing some info "ofcourse I'm, afterall you said that he's handsome" Taehyung said rolling his eyes sarcastically "there's still one hour left go and choose your theme for your wedding" Jungkook says, sulking from inside but keeping his death stare on computer "why so mean sweetie?" Taehyung asks noticing the change "I'm working sir can you just not disturb me?" Jungkook says looking annoyed by Taehyung's excitement
"What can i do for you hmm? Ice cream? Banana milk? Chocolat---- fine I'm in my office" Taehyung try to convince the younger but backs off with just a glare

"Your boyfriend's being calling me since 30 minutes looks like he's already there let's go" Jungkook says opening the office door of Taehyung and leaves immediately as he completes "What happened to him!?" Taehyung pouts and follows his assistant

Taehyung gets down as the driver stops the car at their destination and waits for Jungkook to get down but after a minute or so he looks into the car through the mirror "Kook get down we need to go" Taehyung says as kook downs the mirror "It's your date with your boyfriend i shouldn't come, go enjoy" Jungkook says "Come on kook let's get over the boyfriend drama now! he is my fake boyfriend now get down i ain't going alone there" Taehyung says being a little irritated by the behaviour "oh no I'm not gonna go and third wheel between you two on your date!" Jungkook reasoned "First you didn't sat with me in backseat, i thought you were just annoyed by me now you're not even going with me inside why? What did i even do to you? I'm trying to talk to you since noon but you're just ignoring me" Taehyung brust out being all annoyed "I'm--- *chokes on his sob* I'm sorry" Jungkook says getting down of the car and Taehyung just hugs Jungkook after getting the glance of tears in Jungkook's eyes "I'm sorry petal i didn't meant to burst out on you I'm sorry i hurted you, calm down you don't want to go in? Okay we won't go hmm? Wanna go home?" Taehyung panics "No-o I'll go in I'm good but-t I'm sorry again-n" Jungkook sobs out "shushh it's okay baby let's go in? Shall we? You can tell when you want to leave okie?" Taehyung grabs Jungkook's hand gives him a bottle of water as they enter the cafe

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