Chapter 3

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Four weeks has passed and in those four weeks, Ive successfully made no progress.

I hardly see Nathan around the house talk less of speaking to him. Ive become accustomed to seeing Lily standing in the kitchen with a spatula in her hands as she murmurs to herself. In these past four weeks, Ive grown even more bored than I usually am in the Stevens house.

I sighed, shutting the windows close and walked to the bed, throwing the book on the bed and sighed again. I cant continue like this. I have to do something. Its been a month since my marriage and Ive only spoken to my husband twice or thrice. He doesnt wait to see me. He makes sure to avoid everything that concerns me. Its more like living with a ghost.

My phone dinged, letting me know I had a message. I scrambled to get it on the bed, heart thumping hard in my chest, just thinking it could be a message from mother. She has been calling regularly to ask if Ive seen my monthly visitor and I always tell her the same thing. No.

This time though, it isnt her, instead its the network provider. I groaned, throwing the phone on the bed and walked out of the bedroom. I could use this time to talk to Lily and ask her questions. Questions like why Nathan is always so annoyed.

I walked down the hall, straightening my rumpled pleated skirt as I walked, humming lowly to myself. I still cant believe its been a month since Ive gotten married. A month that Ive stopped living in the Stevens mansion. Its still feels weird sometimes though because it still fee like I am single. Well, in a way, I suppose I might be.

I didnt have to walk much as Lily stood by the large shelf, dusting it clean.

Hey Lily. I called out and she jumps slightly, immediately turning to see me, I watch as her tense nerves deflate upon seeing me.

Its you. Do you need something? She asks and I shook my head, leaning my body against the wall as I wrapped my arms around my chest.

Nothing really, Im bored out of my mind and just need a distraction. I replied monotonous manner.

Lily quirked an eyebrow up, lips jutting out in a light pout. Thats a shame, I wouldve loved to speak to you all day but I have to get to the supermarket quickly. She voices.

Super market? I asked, trying to tone out the bank of idea that just literally went on in my head.

Lily nodded, continuing her task of dusting the already clean shelf and oblivious of the plan cooking up in my head.

How far is the super market? I ask, Lily pauses slightly, throwing me a look across her shoulder About twenty minutes from here, why are you asking?

I shrugged, getting off the wall, now walking towards her with a sinister smile.

No reason in particular. I say but she didnt even mind the tone in my voice as she nods.

Lets say, Lily, that I was to go to the supermarket instead of you, would you have a problem with it? I asked and she caught onto me. Her eyebrows lifted, lips pursed in a manner that reads 'Really?

I tilted my head sideways, mustering my most puppy eyes look. No. She deadpanned.

I deflated, Come on, Lily. You really cant love seeing me waste every single day being cooped up in here. I need to go out or do something. I say and she shrugged.

Take it up with Mr Richardson and not me. I groaned internally, whats the difference between this place and the Stevens mansion if I still have to ask for permission before leaving the house.

Lily, Im old enough to o leave the house and go to a supermarket. Lily paused what she was doing, her tongue poking the right side of her cheek. She is considering it.

Annabel, I really dont want Mr Richardson to get all angry boss on you. Dont forget what happened the last time. She reminded. I shuddered internally upon remembering just how bad Nathan had scolded me for going to my parents place. Turns out they just didnt check the paper that was literally in their eyes.

Dont worry about him, besides I can take care of myself and you also know where I am. No need to worry. Ill be quick and will be back before he gets back. I say, already excited at the thought of leaving the house.

Fine but if anything happens, Im blaming you. She warns. I giggled knowing shed never do anything like that. Staying here for the past four weeks has given me a friend in Lily.

Fine, Ill grab the credit card and also inform the driver youd be leaving. She says but I stopped her.

I dont want the driver taking me, I want to take the bus like a normal person. Let me have that at least. I uttered, Lily had began shaking her head to refuse but I wasnt about to let that happen.

Youre not going to stop me, Lily. Im just informing you. I tell her, she paused to stare at me for some seconds and sighed in resignation.

I watched as she walked to the kitchen. I felt excited at the fact that Id be leaving to get things and that too by myself. Its not something Ive done before but Lily doesnt need to know that. How hard can it be to go to the supermarket?

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