Chapter 5

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I paid for the goods and left the supermarket, trying to calculate my walk distance and goodness gracious. This is far as hell.
I exhaled deeply, strapping my bag over my shoulders well and grabbed the bags even with ho heavy they were, trudging towards the bus station.
I paid for the bus fare and got in. The time is now twenty minutes past seven. I could only hope that Nathan get home very late today.
The bus began to move but not even less than five minutes later it's stops abruptly, making the other passengers complain. I watched as some of them got down, complaining with anger but I still sat there, watching the driver rally around, trying to get his bus to work. It was dark by now and yet the bus wasn't moving. I couldn't help but scold myself severally in my head as to why I had to forget my phone and now. I'm stuck? Stranded? Fucking hell.
I got off the bus with two large bags in my hand looking at the very lonely road. I groaned, stomping my foot repeatedly on the floor. The driver kept chanting series of apologies but it's going to do nothing for me. Not only am I stranded, I have to walk miles back home. Home where Nathan might be waiting to scold the hell out of me, berate me. Oh how I've tried to avoid this.
I began to walk, ignoring the fleeting pain shooting up both my arm. I paused in my steps on noticing droplets of water falling down my arm.
Please, God, no! Not rain.
Just as the words left my lips, it began to rain. How in the world does it start raining without prior notice. I stood by the sidewalk, still a measurable distance away from the house, already getting soaked by the rain.
In that moment, I resigned to fate. Nathan might get home before me and the only thing I can pray for right now is that he doesn't tell my parents what happened. I couldn't find it in me to walk again. There's no place to take a shed. I stood by the sidewalk for a couple of minutes, no car was passing through the road and the rain had began to fall even harder. The droplets battling harshly against my skin. I shuddered internally and braced myself to continue walking.
I can't sleep on the road, can I? I have to get home and face Nathan in any case so I began to walk. In my haze of getting home soon, I missed the rocky parts of the road and hit my foot against a stone, resulting in me falling down on the road, body covered in dirt and water.
Please, this is too much now. How do I get home if I look like a pig drenched in mud.
I winced slightly as I tried to get my foot back on track only to fall down again. My eye stung with unshed tears. The bags had fallen to the ground, already messy while I sat by the road, drenched in rain and messed up. I have no phone with me to call home. I have no idea what time it is, nor do I know how to get home without tripping on my feet.
I mustered all of my strength and stood up, palming my lips into a thin line as I supported myself with the other feet, slowly holding the bags and stood up. I pushed back the strands of hair that fell to my forehead away, trudging as slow as I can on the road, wincing every time my injured feet got too much activity on it.
Four minutes later I saw a car passing by, I still have made no progress on my quest back home. The rain didn't seem like it would be stopping soon. I stopped, waiting for the car to reach my side so I could beg for a lift, that's if the driver doesn't mind my wet situation.
I held my hand out, nibbling on my lower lip as I waved at the car to stop. Surprisingly the car stopped right in front of me.
Thank Goodness.
I opened my mouth to speak but the person alighting from the car had my words stuck in my throat.
Nathan Richardson stepped out of the car with an umbrella, he looked like he was on his way back home from work or going to work. He was still dressed in his work outfit, glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose.
"N-Nathan-" I stuttered, looking down at my state again. Oh please.
"Get in." He utters lowly, I gulped the pile in my throat as he waited for me to move. I glanced at the bags in my hands then back at the man.
"Get in." He emphasized, face visibly irritated. His jaw locked, eyes brows furrowed in concentration? He seems livid but trying to tone it down. Doesn't like he's succeeding though.
I attempted to walk only to have a sharp pain stopping me. I winced inwardly, unable to walk.
"I said get in!" he growled. I flinched slightly, hating the fact that his anger was directed at me again.
"I- I can't." I replied, clutching my hands tightly as I waited for his outburst.
"You can't or you won't? Do you think I have all night to play princess and the pauper? Get in the car and let's leave. I'm literally trying my best to stay sane. You leave the house on a quest to do what? Turn me into mocking stock? Make people laugh about this? I knew you were sickeningly spoilt but to this extent? That you'd leave the house and do all of this parade? It's low, even for you, Annabel. You're disgusting." He bellowed angrily.
It stung.
"Princess and the pauper? Do you think it's that easy for me to be stuck in the rain with all of these on me? I can't move because I fell down and sprained my ankle. That's why!" I screamed. Letting all of my frustrations show. I'm tired. Today had been one of the craziest days of my life yet I'm here, with a sprained ankle, drenched and still being rained on but he thinks I'm playing princess and the pauper?
"Listen, I know you don't like me but I didn't force you into this! You had a choice! You could've not gotten married to me. You couldn't stood your ground and refused this if you knew you hate me this much. I was expecting a little bit of care as a fellow human but you've done nothing but undermine my efforts. I know you dislike me but the least you can do is not berate me at every chance you've got." I yelled, tears flowing freely from my eyes. I felt choked up, constantly berated, frowned upon and dismissed.
I just need a break. A break from these chains I've been tied to.
Nathan stayed quiet for some seconds, eyes piercing through mine. He took a few steps forward, already so close to me. He stared me down, his blue eyes piercing through my soul, he grabbed unto my arm, jolting the bag slightly as he pulled me closer to him, too close.
"Berate you? You have no idea what berating is like. If I had the chance, if I was given the chance. I wouldn't settle for your mediocre ass. I wouldn't go as low as you. If I had the chance, I would do better, far better than you. I don't care what you expect from me nor do I care what you think of me. Get in the car and let's go." He  snarled, pushing me back slightly as he stepped back.
I stumbled backwards a bit, trying to find stability even with my bruised ankle. Tears sprang out of my eyes as I looked at him, Un-remorseful, un-regretful and totally uncaring.
I inhaled shakily, hands gripping the bags tightly and looked at him. "You're the disgusting one. You shouldn't have said yes to this." I whisper but he heard me.  Nathan cocked an eyebrow up, looking unimpressed
"Get in the car and let's go." He says and hops into the car.
I swallowed the lump in my throat, gathering my self and the bags as I trudge towards the other side of the car, I opened the door and put the bags in the backseat, finally got into the car and strapped the seatbelt around me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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