Treat me Like somebody

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"I've been on a search and I've been loosing my hope" ~Tink


I have yet to hear from my bitch. This isn't like her to come up missing and it's really messing with me. I've been calling and texting her phone forever but no answer.

Amber and I became friends in the 4th grade. Of course I was being picked on about my weight and she came and saved me. We been rocking ever since so I have no idea what's keeping her away from me so long.

"Biittcchhh!" I heard some body yell at me. I turned around and speak of the devil, here she is moon walking her ass over to me.

"Don't bitch me, where the fuck have you been?!" I grilled her. Hell this was my sister, my best fuckin friend and I needed to know where she was!

"Marcus got caught in my house and I got in trouble." She said looking sad.

I knew exactly why Marcus was in her house. She was a straight nympho and what guy would turn down pussy? Show me and I'll ask you bitch where?

After grilling her we caught up and she finished her missing assignments for class. We were skipping classes in the library just talking shit and working.

"Tell me about what you wearing Friday." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

I sure as hell don't even know what I'm wearing my self. It was Wednesday so I figured I had a little time but then again , I always think I have time.

"I don't know!" I whispered harshly. "I just want something that accents my curves and makes me look sexy but simple." Looking at her she had this bitch please look on her face.

"You know damn well if you wear something even remotely close to that he gone rip that shit straight off and bust that pussy wide open have you screamin-" I cut her off before she could make me anymore flushed then I was.

"What ever that was you need to let it go." I laughed.

"I already know he better then Kantrell so you need to let him bust that coochie wide open." Amber said annoyed.

"Why you gotta bring him up?"I asked irritated.

"Cause he ain't shit he ain't neva gone be shit and his parents ain't shit for having an ain't shit ass nigga." She said with venom lacing her usual light voice.

Kantrell was a boy that I used to like and I thought he liked me. SIKE boy , he used, abused and confused this girl right here to the fullest. All he ever did was lie and use me for sex. Like we are about to graduate can you grow up and not waste my time. I gave that boy everything but he was in every bitch face but his own. It wasn't until one day that I saw him giving some girl his number and I just dumped his ass right there. I haven't spoken to him since but I still see him in the hallways giving me lust filled stares. Either way he is a part of my past and I don't want to bring his lame ass up no more.

Ring ring ring!!

As the last bell rung we went to turn in all of Amber's work. "QUEEN!!" I heard another person yelling to get my attention. "Oooohhhh there go yo baby zaddy!" Amber said grabbing my arm. As Klay walked up I took in his appearance and he was definitely fine.

I would be lying if I said my panties weren't in need of a change right now because the closer he got I could smell his cologne and it was like an orgasm happening in my nose. Oh my god what are you doing to me? As I was about to speak Kantrell stepped in front of Klay and my mood changed and the juices that were flowing from my area dried up like the Sahara desert.

"Wassup girl?" Cantrell's raspy voice asked as everything was cool.

Before I could respond Klay wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him and the mood was back in full swing as the juices went back flowing.

"Wassup? Nothing but that breath ain't wassup. It smell like you been eating ass for breakfast and dinner." Klay stated matter of factly.

I almost choked on air as Amber and I started laughing.

"Oh for real? Or was it queen pussy?" He tried that joke but it wasn't even close to funny. I looked at him before I could open my mouth to response once again Klay took his ass out for me.

"You know that's funny because I was over your moms house right after you fell asleep last night and it smells just like her pussy? That's weird or maybe it was after she kissed you on the cheek after putting my balls an all in her mouth? What you think?" He asked looking at me. I couldn't even respond as my mouth hung open.

I was about to cry of joy from the hurt he just put on Kantrell. Amber was dying of laughter as I looked Klay back in his eyes.

It was as if everything faded out and it was only is and he leaned in to kiss me. I felt the heat radiating off of his lips onto mine as he pressed my body closer to his. I started to pull back realizing where we are but he gripped my ass in one hand and pulled my lips back to his with the other on my chin. Oh lawd I need my asthma pump.

All I seen where fireworks with this kiss and we haven't even went on a date. As I bit his lip I wrapped my arms around him getting even more into the kiss then I should have. He slapped my ass and pulled away looking at Kantrell.

"Why you still here homie? You want a show or sum? Shouldn't you be going to wipe off your cheek you know? From your moms kissing you on it this morning? Remember ?" He said in disbelief.

Kantrell walked off pissed and I loved every minute of it. I looked at Klay and kissed him on the lips a few times telling him to text me cause I had to go home.

As soon as I dropped Amber off at home I sped home. When I gathered all my things in my car I got out and rushed to the front door and unlocked it. I spoke to my parents who were in the kitchen hugged up cooking I suppose.

I rushed up to my room, closed the door, took of my clothes and laid down on the bed. I started to grab my nipples and placed my hands on my outer lips. I begin to massage my pussy thinking about Klay.
HEY ! I had to release this tension he created sometime !

Amber in the MM

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