Chapter 2 - ENG

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My Name Is 'Tarn'

Koh Phra Island, Chonburi, 2019.

As soon as both feet stepped on the seashore, Tarn was instantly aware that his life would forever change from this very second on. This island was the base of the Naval Special Warfare Unit, the training ground for the frogmen or Naval Special Warfare Operators, also known as SEALs in a more elegant term, to sharpen their skills. SEAL was an acronym for Sea, Air, and Land, representing the missions that could be carried out in all those environments. If he aced this eight-month intense training here, he would become eligible to join the DSI team, and he was here to win!

"Hey, Tarn. Let's get some grub. We have two hours before we report for duty." Yai draped his arm across Tarn's shoulder and led his little brother to walk up on the cement floor, looking for a small restaurant at the same time. After searching for a moment, they stumbled

upon a small restaurant by the sea. They seated themselves and ordered their food together.

Since the restaurant wasn't very busy, the food was served just after a short while.

"Hooyah! Hooyah! Hooyah!"

Tarn swiveled his head with keen interest to those cadets in white t-shirts and navy-blue shorts jogging in unison alongside their trainer. Their first three months of training would not be too far off from this. Even though the two brothers were here to join the DSI unit, the police colonel told them this training was similar to the Navy SEAL training program.

"Hey, Tarn. Check out the dude over there. It's like he dresses up for a fashion show." Yai told Tarn to look that way. Tarn averted his gaze from the beach to a person sitting behind. That guy was wearing a black leather jacket. A rich kid, Tarn supposed. But Tarn was familiar with that back, like he had seen it somewhere before. Well, never mind!

Tarn shifted his attention back to the plate before him.

"P'Yai, let's eat, so we can get going. Stop gossiping already." Tarn shoved the food into his mouth and munched on it. To fuel up a starvation tank like this, eating was the only answer!

"That's what everyone does, don't they? Not only both of us in this training, but there are also many other good men out there. We have to keep our eyes on them."

Tarn swallowed the food down his throat. "Do you think he signed up for the cadet, too?"

Perhaps, he was a tourist, assuming by how lavish hisoutfit was.

"Sure thing. Can you see what's on that dude's table? There is an applicant dossier on it with the Air Force emblem..." Tarn started to think that Yai was prying on the other so loud that the nearby crowd veered their attention to look at them, so the young man poked the big brother to resume his own meal and quit gossiping by now. To opt in or not opt in was absolutely that dude's business. Sure as hell he didn't look for trouble here, damnit!

"Auntie, I'll have stir-fried pork with holy basil, please. chili, no MSG, half-teaspoon of sugar, and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Uh, I'd better have a half teaspoon of

each seasoning instead and no long bean, too."

Holy cow! Who the heck ordered that!?

Yai and Tarn exchanged their gaze startlingly with the eyes searching for the order owner, curious to see that damn face. Why wouldn't he cook it himself for such a tricky order!?


Here it goes. Even the Auntie beat her spatula with the pan. There, she pointed her utensil at that guy.

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