Chapter Three

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He Watches Me

Chapter Three

When Madeline awoke it was still dark out. This surprised her, she wasn't used to waking up to darkness. She was an early riser, she was used to waking up to the sun streaming into her room through parts of her curtains and the smell of her mother's cooking. She closed her eyes, while her mind reminisced about mornings at home. Her small amount of happiness didn't last for long, because as soon as her mind was almost comfortable, a slam coming from the front of the room ripped through it. It was him of course. It was then she realized, that'd she have to get used to all types of darkness from now on. 

He made his way across the room to where she was tied up, she could hear each step. "I'm back, my love", he whispered in what was supposed to be a caring tone, to her it just sounded eerie. He squatted down and began to gently played with her hair, and though she couldn't see him that well in the dark, she knew he was looking into her eyes. 

Taking the chance Madeline, turned her fearing expression into a loving one, smiled as happily as she could muster in her situation, and said "Oh I'm so glad you're back, I missed you. Your loving presence was even in my dreams."  Her captor leaned in gave her a kiss soft, quick kiss, that made her feel nothing even though she tried to feel something so this could at least be easier on her.  After he pulled away she tried to look as sad as she could, which was fairly easy, given her circumstances, and began to cry. 

With concern in his voice he whispered to her,"Don't cry, shh, what's wrong, love?" her mind wanted to scream in victory, but she didn't let it yet. She hadn't tried what she needed to yet. 

She began with a shaky voice,"It's just.. I hate it here, it's dark, scary, when you're gone it's so very lonely. I'd just like to get out, stretch my legs, see the sky, and spend with you without being tied up." 

He let loose a breath,"I'm afraid it's too soon to untie you, but the reason I left you earlier was because I have surprise for you", If you'll just have a little patience to wait and don't try anything on me, I'll let you out of here for awhile."

Her stomach tightened at the thought of his surprise, but she was excited for the chance out of this place, whatever it was, maybe should give lead him to think she was really this time, till he was comfortable, then she could strike and try to get out of where ever she was. 

He stood up and started making his way towards something in the corner. She heard the memorable sound of a fridge closing and opening, "I almost forgot, I've got this stocked with your favorites. You must be very thirsty." He made his way over with her drink, leaned down, pulled her mouth open because he wasn't sure if he'd resist and made her drink. She recognized it as Dr. Pepper and it had a another taste she couldn't figure out, by the time she realized it'd been laced, she was already slipping into a deep sleep. 

Before she fell asleep, Madeline heard him whisper "Sleep well, for when you wake they'll be much, I think, for you to be happy about. I'll see you soon, love."

// I hope this was enjoyed. Comment your thoughts! I must know!

P.S. All unedited for now. //

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