Chapter One

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He Watches Me

Chapter One

She stared out the broken window. Her reflection in shattered fragments, and her heart too. That certain someone had gone too far this time. Her parents would ask questions. Of course they would. Now all she had to figure out was how to answer them. She couldn't just say that her old crush had yelled out their love for her to the skies.  That, after going steady for after awhile, he had become abusive and obsessed. Or maybe he had been obsessed from the start. She just didn't know any more. She was just tired of this game of hide and seek. She just wanted the one who she should have been with from the start. The one who loved her, but wasn't crazy. Sighing, she picked up the brick that had came crashing through my glass back bedroom door. It had a string tied to it, along with an amethyst ring attached. She knew that ring. She suddenly dropped the brick, stunned. She fell to her knees on the crush glass covered floor. He knew just how to break her, and which places to push before she fell apart. 

She was tired. So tired. The pain in her knees had faded. Had that brick been laced with something? No. The man who gave her tea this evening at the local Cafe had blonde hair and she never saw his face. It had tasted funny, but she just figured it was her imagination and continued working on her homework. Now she was scared, and the more she focused on trying to stay away the harder she fell in to the black pit of darkness, that was so welcoming. Losing all hold of reality she fell into a deep sleep. 

She knew the voice. "You can't stop me, you'll be mine before the summer ends. Three months a challenge? Not when you're so easy to catch.You're mine forever Madeline. Forever."  

(Dedicated to @trashrose for the AMAZING cover. XD)

He Watches MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora