Chapter Four

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He Watches Me

Chapter Four

He quietly left the room and shut the door not wanting to wake her, not that he could wake her with the pills he'd put in her drink. Thinking he walked away from the door to the refurbished basement and walked up to his office. He sat in his office chair and set up the code to begin cracking her social media passwords. Maybe he could distract friends and family with a few posts long enough for him to show her what life was going to be like with him. He was surprised she was as this committed from the start. He'd never encountered someone like him. Sure there were girls in the past that were close, but never one like her. She was down to earth, smart, didn't care for dressing up much, and could be genuine. Sure, she was some like him in that department, but what really caught his eye was her darkness. She craved the high of deception. She liked making people see what she wanted. Sometimes she gained from it, but mostly she did it because she wanted to, she liked messing with people. 

He knew exactly how she was because he'd watched her for years. Like in her freshman year of high school, she convinced Morissa Gordon that her crush that barely knew her was into her. Enough so, that he'd dump his girlfriend for her. Morissa believed it and pursued him only to have her hopes crushed and be humiliated. She still stayed friends with Madeline, only because when confronted she automatically talked herself out of it. Morissa hated her former crush for years afterwards. And why did she do this? Because wind blew. She felt like it. 

Madeline's experiments escalated in the following years she did it to gain, she did it for fun, only once did she get caught but he took care of that. That may of been his favorite experiment of hers, not only because ended up getting to have some fun himself, but because of how beautifully intricate she had made it and how well it went up until that point. He'd never forget the look on her Aunt's face and how he got to see Madeline bask in it all, right before he had to take care of it. Ah, but that was a though for another time and he had to prepare her for his big surprise. 

He went down to the basement, untied her, and began getting her ready for a night he hoped she'd never forget. 

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