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CH 83

The unforeseen appearance of an uninvited guest hastened the conclusion of Bastian’s conversation with Duke Laviere.
“Ultimately, Bastian, this is all due to your hard work. I have faith that we can nurture a strong relationship moving forward.” Duke Laviere said as he stood up from his seat. He didn’t want to leave his daughter, who was evidently smitten with Bastian, in a state of uncertainty any longer.
Bastian bade the Duke farewell, a smile gracing his lips. He had merely sought a formal gathering to commemorate his business achievements and engage in cordial exchanges with his associates. With no desire to prolong the wait, he had already addressed all crucial matters via phone calls and letters.
“Upon our next encounter, you shall be Mayor Klauswitz.” Sandrine abruptly turned at the door, prompting Bastian to instinctively step back.
“Indeed, Countess Lenart.”
“Congratulations, I am immensely proud of you.” Sandrine took off her right glove and held out her hand for a handshake.
Duke Laviere allowed his daughter the chance to pursue her wishes. As usual, Bastian shook Sandrine’s hand with politeness. His attitude was amiable, but nothing beyond that. When Sandrine tenderly interlaced her fingers, Bastian quickly withdrew from the handshake.
“What gentleman you are. We shall reconvene in Lausanne.” Sandrine nodded, her mischievous grin betraying a momentary forgetfulness of her father’s existence.
Once he had said his goodbyes to the Duke, Bastian took a seat at the table and reached for the readied cigar. As the secretary exited the room after straightening the table, a hush fell over the space.
Lost in thought, Bastian found himself grappling with a question that had never before crossed his mind.  Had he made the right choice in pursuing a relationship with Sandrine?
As he puffed on his cigar, the sound of rain lashing against the window filled his ears. Though he still had documents to examine before the meeting, his focus had faltered in a way he had never previously experienced.
Bastian found himself teetering on the edge of bewilderment when a soft knock echoed through the room.
“Do come in,” he responded, a dusty cigar perched between his fingers. As the door swung open, his secretary’s startled expression caught his eye.
“Sir, you have a visitor.”
“A visitor? But wasn’t Duke Laviere the only one scheduled for today?” Bastian’s brow furrowed as he studied his secretary’s face.
“Well, the person who arrived is…”
A shadow materialized from behind the secretary. As Bastian reignited his cigar, the unanticipated guest came into view.

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The crystalline voice cut through the din of the rain cascading beyond the window. Bastian released a plume of smoke and rose from his seat with haste. His annoyance evaporated in a heartbeat, supplanted by a wry chuckle that slipped past his lips.
The familiar woman, Odette, lingered in the open doorway, her body drenched and trembling from the cold’s icy touch. A fatigued grin graced her lovely face.
“My apologies, Bastian, for arriving unannounced and without any prior notice,” Odette said, feeling a mix of guilt and unease as the silence around them grew more pronounced.
Bastian merely gazed at her, his face betraying no emotion, neither delight nor astonishment. Nonetheless, realizing he wasn’t angered or annoyed, Odette experienced a slight sense of relief.
Setting her teacup down, Odette tried to neaten her disordered rain-kissed attire with hands numbed by the cold. Her raincoat was drenched, yet, by fortune’s grace, her blouse and skirt had escaped the worst of the dampness.
“I missed you, and that’s why I’m here,” Odette confessed with a smile, sharing the explanation she had readied. She gripped the drying firmly. Bastian, meanwhile, leaned against the chair’s armrest, his eyes fixed on her but his lips remaining sealed. His reaction caught Odette somewhat off guard, but there was no turning back now.
“I’m sorry if I’ve caused any inconvenience. It’s just that…”
“Where’s your car? And why are you soaked like this?” Bastian finally spoke, his sharp gaze causing Odette to shiver.
“I sent Hans back to Ardenne first.”
“And why would you do that?”
“I thought we could ride home together…in your car.”
A wave of anxiety washed over Odette. She endeavored to maintain a calm facade, smiling and laughing as if it were all a lighthearted joke. Yet Bastian’s intense stare persisted.
Desperate to ease her own nerves and avoid arousing Bastian’s suspicion, Odette acknowledged the peculiarity of her actions but couldn’t conceive of an alternative approach.
This weekend, Bastian was set to travel to Lausanne for the Naval Festival. Today marked Odette’s first and last opportunity to infiltrate Bastian’s office. Having already ventured too far to retreat, she had no choice but to take a daring leap.
Once more, Odette fortified her determination. The moment she hide in a shadowy alleyway, watching Duke Laviere and Sandrine, she resolved to cast aside her shame.

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