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CH 103

“Do I have to do this?” Tira said hesitantly.
Odette was looking out the window when she turned to look at Tira and her fiancee, they looked back at her nervously.
“Yes, its a condition that will allow you to get married.”
“We can’t just leave for a foreign country, nick feels the same.” Tira looked at Nick for support and reassurance.
Odette took a sip of tea, before calmly saying “can Mr Becker not speak for himself?” Nick flushed bright red.
“Well, I…”
The clock chimed as Nick Becker fumbled with an answer. Odette looked about the quiet little cafe, it would soon be filling up with people looking for some lunch. Odette chose a spot in a quiet little corner so as not to be disturbed.
“I’m fine with it,” Nick said, finally gathering confidence to answer. “As you say, we can leave just as soon as we get married.”
“Nick!” Tira snapped.
“It’s alright, Tira,” Nick chuckled, his face now determined. “It won’t be easy, but I’m confident that we can do well, plus I have a cousin that live there, we can reach out for some help, if needs be.”
“Nick, I heard that your parents were against the marriage, is that still the case?”
“Thankfully they have come around to accepting both Tira and our child. I am sorry for any distress we may have caused you because of it.” Nick bowed his head politely.
Odette could tell that Nick was a good man, of well intentions and despite his youthfulness, he displayed a sense of wisdom far beyond his years. He may have acted impulsively in the past, but he has proven himself trustworthy enough.
“Do you have any plans for when the baby comes?” Odette turned her eyes on nick.
“It won’t be that difficult to find a job, being an experienced carpenter, the plan is to be able to build my own workshop at some point, my fathers workshop will no doubt go to my brother, so it’s probably best to think about going independent.”
Nick was nervous as he spoke, caught under Odette’s scrutiny, but he spoke of his plans and gave the impression he was as firm as a tree, a contrast to Tira’s more emotional temperament.
“I think this could be a good opportunity for us, I think it could be good, especially for Tira.”
“What?” Tira said.

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“Because no one will take issues about you’re origins. You’ll be able to escape the discrimination and prejudice that’s been bothering you all your life, we can start a whole new life.” Nick looked into Tira’s eyes showing genuine compassion and affection.
Odette took out an envelope from her bag and passed it across the table to Nick and Tira. The pair looked at it like it was something they had never seen before.
“Thank you for making such a tough decision. This should be enough to help you find a suitable place to live, there are also two tickets,” said Odette.
“Oh my God,” Tira said, her eyes popping out of her head. She looked into the envelope and saw two boarding passes for a ship heading for the new world, and the dates on them. “October 31st? That’s so soon.”
“It is a tight schedule, we have a lot to do; get married first, then prepare for the immigration and the child.”
“Sister, what’s gotten into you? Are you ashamed of me or something? Do you think I am a tarnish on your reputation?”
“Tira, don’t do this,” Nick said, trying to comfort his fiancee.
“Now that our father has passed, are you so desperate to get rid of me as well? It feels like your intent is to simply wipe away the last blemish on your noble and humble life.”
“Tira Byller, calm down,” Odette snapped.
Byller, Tira heard the name rattle around her mind, which eventually dragged out her tears. “Byller, that’s right, this is because I’m really a Byller, is that it?”
“What do you mean?”
“I wonder if you would be doing this if I was a Dyssen, probably not, I think. I’m just a daughter of a maid, I have no station, your lesser.”
“If that’s what you want to tell yourself, if it makes you feel better, to say such mean things about yourself, but I don’t think its an appropriate thing to say in front of your child,” Odette said coldly, she got up from her seat and prepared to leave.
“Don’t go sister,” Tira said hurriedly, but Odette had already put on her coat. “I’ll go to Nick’s home town and we can live quietly there. I just don’t want to be so far from you.”
“Tira,” Nick tried to cut in.
“Are you really going to be okay without me? We will be so far apart and I don’t want to be away from my sister. Please don’t let me go.”
“Stop acting like such a child,” Odette said flatly. “Mr Becker, please let me know what you plan on doing.”

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