Cuddles with Gerard + The most chaotic game night ever

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People who follow me and have to see this in their notifications, I'm so sorry, please don't come after me, I swear I have a reason for doing this, please!

Gerard was talking with his brother, Mikey, about what they were gonna do tonight with the others, like playing Super Smash Bros or Star Walls. You walked downstairs to the kitchen, where the two were talking. Gerard saw you as you walked in.

"Hey Y/N." Gerard said, he gave you a warm smile.

"Oh, hey Gerard." You replied. "What's going on?"

"Nothing much, we're just trying to figure out what's a fun activity for all of us to do tonight."

"And we're struggling." Mikey added on.

"Bro, shut up." Gerard said jokingly.

"My bad, carry on." Mikey said, putting his hands in the air.

"Anyways, do you got any ideas?" Gerard asked.

"Well, maybe you could all have like a band game night?"

"Perhaps." Mikey said.

"The fuck you mean perhaps? It sounds chaotic, let's do it!"

A few hours later, Gerard, Mikey, and you all set up board games and card games.

"Ok, I think we're good here." Gerard claimed.

"Alright so, this'll start at *Insert time here*, so y'all can go do whatever for like, twenty minutes." Mikey said.

"Cool. Say, Y/N, wanna hang out for the next few minutes we have before all hell breaks out down here at *Insert time here*?"

"Sure." You said.

And with that you and Gerard left upstairs. You were both in Gerard's room.

"So... How's your day been?" Gerard asked.

"It's been fine, though it could have been better."

"Oh no, what happened?"

"I had the worst morning ever, I spilled hot coffee all over myself, and it stained my favorite shirt."

"I see what you mean, but you know, sometimes we just wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but I know that tomorrow will be better for you."


"If you want, I can sing you something to cheer you up a bit."

"Yes, please do."

Gerard cleared his throat. "Every snowflake's different just like you. Every snowflake's different just like you. I'll sing about it if you ask me to. Ask me to. Different shape and different size, like every star up in the sky. Every snowflake's different just like you. Green fur, blue skin, and the very silly way you grin. Big fangs, small chin, there are so many special things about you, things about you, things about you! Every snowflake's different just like, every snowflake's different just like, every snowflake's different just like you. Different shape and different size, like every star up in the sky. Every snowflake's different just like you. Ok, do you feel a little better now?"


"Alright, well is there thing else you wanna do?"

"Well, I mean, can we cuddle?"

"Oh yeah, of course, come on." Gerard sat down on his bed, he had his arms opened ready to hug you.

You aggressively jumped in the bed onto Gerard in the bed.

Kinda like how Frank did in this gif.

Kinda like how Frank did in this gif

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