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Here, some music to set the mood.


Y/N's Pov: Everyone heard a window break in the living room, it was so loud you could literally hear the glass breaking into pieces. Me, Ray, and Mikey all ran down the stairs.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MILK!?" Gerard yelled.

"Oh god, not again." Frank said.

"Again I asked."


We all stared at each other before looking at Gerard.

"... MY INHALER!!!" Mikey was devastated.

"Gee! Mikey's inhaler was in the fridge!" Ray said.

Mikey was coughing violently. "Why was your inhaler even in the fridge in the first place?" I asked.

"I DIDN'T HAVE ANY WHERE ELSE TO PUT IT!!!" Mikey responded. Mikey coughed more.

"MIKEY TURNED INTO A... Microwave?" Gerard questioned before kneeling down to open it. "THE MILK ISN'T IN HERE EITHER!!!"

"GERARD NO!!!" We all yelled trying to prevent him from throwing the microwave, which was previously Mikey, out the window.

"GERARD, DON'T!!!" Frank yelled. "THAT IS YOUR BROTHER!!! MISTER MIKEY HIMSELF!!!" Frank and Gerard were having a full on tug a war with the microwave.

"I'm so confused right now." I said.

"It's okay, you'll get used to it." Ray reassured.

Many painful minutes of microwave tug a war later.

"I still wanna know where the milk is." Gerard said.

"Well I don't fucking know where it is." Frank replied.

"At least was got Mikey back?" I said.

"My everything hurts." Mikey added.

"This is why you don't put your inhaler in the fridge." Ray told Mikey as if he was a disappointed parent.

"Seriously, has anyone seen the milk? I'm like, really fucking thirsty." Gerard said.

"Can't you just, drink water or coffee?" Frank asked.

"You don't understand, I just really have a sudden craving for milk today. Why, I don't know, I just do." Gerard explained.

"But Gerard." I said.


"Milk tastes like shit."

"... I'm gonna fucking ki-" Frank put his hand over Gerard's mouth.

"Haha, so help me Gee, I will literally haunt your dreams." (Frank being a menace to society as usual, gotta love it.)

Gerard put his hands up as if he were getting arrested. "O-ok."

"If you want, we can go on a shopping trip to go get some." I said.

"Y/N, you don't have to." Gerard said.

"No, I insist." I replied.

"Gee and Y/N, sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g." Frank said jokingly.

"K-i-s-s-i-n-g... FRANK!!!" Gerard realized.

"Ok, let's." I dragged Gerard to the car before anything else happened.

Gerard's Pov: Y/N straight up just threw me into the car, and as you can imagine, it hurt... A lot.

At the store.

"Kay, we're here." Announced Y/N.

"Alright." We both got out of the car entering the store.

"Ok, so we came here for milk, right?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Right, then really we only need like, two things."

"Which is?"

"One little bottle of milk just for you, and a whole gallon for other stuff, like cereal."

"Ok." I agreed.

Later at the... Milk section? Cold food section? Idk, just, just, later.

"We're here, take your fucking milk." Y/N said jokingly.

"Finally!" I ran to the fridge the milk was in, opened it, and got myself a mini bottle of milk.

Here's what it looks like in case you wanna know.

Here's what it looks like in case you wanna know

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"Oh how I've waited!" I said.

"We still gotta pay for it though."


At the cash register.

"Ok, that'll be *Insert price here* dollars." The cashier said.

"Alright, here you go." I handed over the money getting some change in return. I decided to pay for everything since I was literally the cause of this in the first place.

Y/N drove us home, and FINALLY after a long day of searching, I got to drink my milk! "Y/N, you don't know how happy I am right now, like... *Happy Gerard noises*."

"No problem." Y/N was petting my head.

"Hey, that's my thing." I said jokingly.

"Well, today it's my turn to pet you, so, deal with me." We both laughed.

The next day.

Me and Y/N were the only one up so far. We were cuddling in bed before I looked at Y/N.

"You know what?"

"What?" Y/N replied.

"You're right, milk kinda does taste like shit."

"Not to say I told you so but, I told you so."

The end.

This story is inspired by the MCR Animation: u ok Gee? video from the beginning of the story. I thought it was funny so, yeah.

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