Chapter 23 OX vs Asgarda The first war

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July 30 2017

Aruto was walking until he saw a Bullied girl

???: come on just give us money

???: sorry i cant i need it for tech installations

as the Bully Slapped the Girl

???: to shame to bad your not rich

as they left laughing

???: {sigh} no wonder they still hate me

Aruto: hey are you ok

???: huh um yeah im fine

as Aruto helped out the girl

???: thanks for helping me

Aruto: no prob um what happened

???: i was on my way to my home until i saw them they always try to bully me sometimes they want money

Aruto: I see

???: anyways I should go home the House owner is coming

Aruto: I see ok then see ya

The girl left

Aruto: ...

Until he got a call from Amano

On the line

Aruto: hello

Amano: hey we need to have a meeting on what is our plan to stop Asgarda

Aruto: I'm on it

Amano: I found some data right now it important please be careful

Aruto: I will

End of line

Aruto: okay let's do this

At Yuigaoka

Amano: ok here's what I found so far

Amano showed a Machine

Amano: this is the shadow planter it is a shadow planting device that plants shadows it's Shadow Rate is over 50 percent

Mineta: woah wait what does that mean

Amano: yes we need to destroy that thing before it plants

Aruto: ok understood

Amano: but first we have something for Inona

as she brought the briefcase they opened it

it was Inonas Gear

it was Inonas Gear

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Inona: woah sweet

Amanos Computer signals something

Amano: they are here

Aruto: alright then lets go

Amano: everyone get gear and good luck the navigation is on me

as they all went out

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