Make the world go away

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Devastated Arizona needed a drink. She made her way to Joe's Bar. Hoping at the late hour none of her SGMW colleagues were still there. Arizona had only had a few tequila shots when a good looking guy around 40 sent her a few more shots over to her. He decided this was his chance to hit on the hot blonde as she sat drinking at the bar alone. He sat on the barstool next to her and asked her to dance. No one was on the small dance floor at the late hour of midnight. She politely turned him down. When he wouldn't take no for an answer she explained that she was gay but that didn't deter the very determined man. She turned him down one last time, paid her tab and said good night to Joe. She decided it was time to go to the hotel room she reserved online soon after she left Callie's. 

Although the Archfield Hotel wasn't very far from Joe's Arizona knew it was late,rainy and she was too tipsy to walk so she asked Joe to call her a taxi. She stood under the awning against the wall in front of the bar. Arizona knew that she might be waiting a while for the taxi due to the weather and late hour. She didn't want to go back inside and deal with the man determined to "turn" her so she waited patiently. But moved closer to the alley away from the front door. But as the man that had introduced himself as Brad left the bar he saw her and offered her a ride. She declined and moved to go back inside the bar. He made sure no one was around and quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her into the alley. She attempted to pull away but it wss no use. He just gripped her arm tighter. She started to scream and he placed his hand over her mouth. He twisted her around facing away from him so he could keep his hand on her mouth and push her deeper into the alley. All the while telling her how he was going to make her a real woman.

The farther they went down the alley the darker it got. The darker her surroundings became the more frightened Arizona got. She felt his hot breath on her. He smelled like whiskey and cigarettes.  She had hoped that the fact that he was so drunk would mean he couldn't get it up. But her hopes died when she felt him press himself closer against her. He slammed her against the wall. She tried to scream again and struggled to get away. The more she struggled the angrier he became. He pushed her violently to the ground and she could finally scream. But not before he was on top of her. Hand back on her mouth. The vile man began to violate her. The pain of the first time a man had been inside her shut her brain down. Somehow blocking it all for a moment. All she felt was the cold Seattle rain on her face. The sound of the rain mixed with his disgusting grunts and lurid words filled her ears and mind. While the violence took control of her mind,  body and soul. As he finished he thanked her and told her she was beautiful.

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