I will survive

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A clap of thunder brought her back to reality. As he stood up off her she kicked him between his legs as hard as she could muster. Hard enough to injure him badly. Knocking him back onto his knees in pain.  This sent her attacker into a blind rage.  He began to beat her violently with his fists. Then continuing as he stood to kick her over and over. She started screaming for help over and over. He scrambled to stumble away as quick as his injury would allow him. Escaping deeper into the alley behind the bar.

Alex Karev,Lexie Grey and Jackson Avery were heading into Joe's for a drink after their late shift ended at the Hospital when they heard screaming coming from the alley. They were the first to find the womam fighting for her life. At first they didn't recognize the woman. Her blonde hair wss matted with blood. As was her face. Her nose was bloody, her lip split and her eyes swollen shut. The woman's pants were down with only one leg inside. Her blouse was completely ripped open. It was clear she had been sexually assaulted. Lexie Grey immediately called 911

Arizona couldn't see who was standing over her and she began to scream for help in panic again. It was then the young residents realized who the violated and battered woman was. She was the last person they thought they would see that night. Certainly not in this state. Soon the paramedics and police were on the scene. Right before the world went black for Arizona Robbins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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