Part 3

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(JEON mansion )

Tae(after meeting went on terrace and stare at sky) kitten with cat eyes yes she have cat type eyes almond type and her lashes are also beautiful that pimple on her cheeks withiut makeup fuck her innocent doe eyes I am addicted to her

Ruvi(hiding and watching him) why I feel good near him (pout while thinking )

Tae=come out kitten why you hiding

Ruvi(come out slowly ) I w-a-s no-t hiding I act-tally I

Tae(smirk but don't show ) come here(Demand )

Ruvi(went ) what happen

Tae=(smirk and pull her closer ) so kitten are you scared of me that you was shuttering

Ruvi(fast heartbeat ) I I (shock )

Tae=say kitten(going to touch her lips )

Ruvi=do-nt sla-p me I di-d nothing(closed eyes tightly)

Tae(wide eyes) I was not going to slap you

Ruvi=(closing tight and trembling ) don't slap me pls (begging voice) it hurt me and it pain when you all slap pls don't slap I dod nothing I will not annoy you promise

Tae(shock ) trust me I was not going to slap me I was going to touch your lips like this
(Slowly touch lips )

Ruvi=why lips touch is it ugly wait you will also say na I have my teeth out don't worry I will put braces and about my voice i drink hot water everyone say it will get good by hot water and about my pronunciation I will do more good and about (saying all flaws )

Tae=(pull her more closer ) shhhh(put hand on lips ) I will speak listen to me

Ruvi(got quite and stare at him)

Tae=you teeth is cute and your lips it's not ugly (playing with hairs ) your voice it's fucking warm and your pronouns it's also cute why you always pointing flaws in yourself when you have good things all good things

Ruvi(control tears) am I good

Tae=yes so much good (stare in eyes) so much good wand why you thought I will slap you

Ruvi=just like this

Tae=where it pain say me and what you mean by all

Jhope=she mean nothing (pull her behind ) Ruvi go down tani calling you

Ruvi(went down )

Tae=why you send her down I was talking to her

Jhope=she is not for you taehyung that why I was hiding her from you she is innocent she isn't for your mafia cruel world she isn't made for you .

Tae=stop it hyung I don't know why you think I will hurt her

Jhope=because who ever come close to her only hurt her

Tae=I will make sure not even bring tears in her eyes hyung I don't know but my dead heart beat near her I don't know I feel urge to hug her when she say her flaws I feel like killing that all person who make her think this all hyung I don't know if I love her or not but I don't even want to stay away from her I want her all attention hyung now even if you stop me your sister is going to be mine

Jhope=no she won't stay away from her

Tae(control his anger ) I can kill anyone who come between us but it's you whom o love I can't kill you but I will make sure to marry her infront of your eyes hyung and you should be happy she is mafia better half

Jhope=make her fall for you she don't even talk to boys tae

Tae=she was close to me I was holding her from waist hyung (smirk)

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