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"So you can fly this thing, right?" Sam asked. Bee made some moves with his hands that showed: 'a little.' "What is that... What is that? What is that? So-so?" Sam asked. "So you so-so can fly this. That feels terrible. "We're right behind you. Epps told me when he gave me a pistol. "Thank you, Epps." "All right, we're going in."

We took the spaceship and flew to the building Carly was supposed to be in. We often started hitting walls and buildings, but after some time, Bee finally managed to fly this thing. Sam got out of the spaceship while I stayed in here, sitting on Bee's lap. We suddenly heard shooting and then Carly screaming. We flew a little higher, and then I noticed Sam jumping on our ship. "Carly!" He screamed. When we knew she was on board, we turned and Bee started firing at the house.

Carly also got here next to Bee, while Sam stayed on the ship until we crashed. Carly got out first, followed by me and Bee. The other autobots came closer with the soldiers. We soon noticed a military drone. "Can you rotate something?" Epps asked. "Yes, yes! Okay, okay, okay. They can see us." "Chicago is ground zero. You understand?" "Please listen. Sentinel Prime is here, and he has the pillars to his space bridge. They're on top of the building on the Chicago River. It's owned by Hotchkiss Gould Investments. Now, the pillar that controls everything is in the southeast, cupola." "You've got to destroy the pillar. You have to shoot down the pillar."

"We need to move before the fighters spot us. Wait here until we scout a route ahead. Let's roll." "Ratchet, cover high." "Hey, think we could use that rocket to shoot down the pillar?" "We are eight blocks away. We got to get closer to take a shot." Someone answered Sam. "Not closer. Higher. We need a clear line of sight." I told them as I looked up at the buildings up. "We only got one shot." I looked at them. "One shot, is all we need."

We drove through the city to an abandoned church. On the way, Optimus got attacked by a Shockwave and lost his trailer. "That is one scary-ass Decepticon!" "They got my trailer. I need that flight tech. Shockwave can't hunt all of us at once. Wreckers, we need a diversion." Let's get some!" "You got that right." "Listen, we're gonna circle around that glass building. And we'll get high enough to make the rocket shot. While you guys draw his fire." Epps told us all the plan. While I saw Carly also getting ready. "You are not coming with us." I told her. "What?! Why?!" "First of all, you can't fight. You would only get hurt or be in our way. And second you're too important to Sam." I said, "No, she is gonna come with us." Sam argued,

"Why Sam? So she can die, or what? She is safer here." Sam came closer to me until he stood fully in front of me. "Without me, you wouldn't even be here. Don't you get is Y/n? I'm the main character in this story. I discovered that Bee is an autobot. I saw all these weird sighs. I got a new job, where decepticons were after me again. You don't matter." He said and as he wanted to get closer to me, but Bee stood up and walked up behind me, looking Sam dead in the eyes. "Fine, have it your way. But if you or she dies, I. Won't. Give. A. Fuck. You hero." I spatted out word for word. "Bee, you go with them. I stay with the others." He bent down to me and reached out with his hands to me. I took his right hand and hugged it. I'll see you when it's over." I said and went over to Sideswipe.

For about half an hour, we drove through the city, when we noticed ships firing on a glass building. "The others must be there." I said. "I'm sure they're fine." Sideswipe answered. "Yeah. I said. We are now driving in the direction of the river to get across to the pillar. When suddenly decepticons started firing at Sideswipe, Jazz, Dino and Ratchet. They all transformed, and Sideswipe tried to throw me out as gently as possible. I landed on the street and instant tried to get up when Dylan held me down. I looked around and saw the other autobots were captured as well. Then I heard a car's engine, and Dylan was ripped off me, and an angry Bee next to me. "Get your----dirty hands----off her----Asshole." Bee spoke.

"What are you doing, Bee? Are you dumb!?" I asked him, furious, because now they're gonna get him too. And that really is what happened just a few moments later. Now Ratched, Jazz, Sideswipe, Dino, Bee and Wheeljack were on the ground with guns against their heads. After Dylan got up and gave Bee a disgusting glare, he looked at the decepticon. "Prisoners? You're keeping prisoners?" "Yes." "You need to each them about respect. This was all business, but now it's getting personal; do you understand me?" "Hehe, I understand." The decepticon said in a disgusting voice. "No prisoners, only trophies and dead bodies. He said eyeing me. "Bee, I think they're going to kill us." Wheeljack said terrified. "You, your times is up." No! Wait! wait! wait!" He yelled, but it was no use. The decepticon shot him while I just watched him in terror.

"Now kill the girl in front of the yellow one. It will teach him a lesson." Dylan said and turned to go away. When Bee heard what he was saying, he tried to free himself. "Get off me!" He yelled. He tried to fight the decepticon who was holding him down; even when they held a canon in his face, he couldn't give up." The decepticon held me down right in front of him, while two others held down Bee to look at me. I looked at Bee and started smiling. "I love you." I said and closed my eyes. I could still hear the bees arguing, whining, and even crying. Then the decepticon held his Canon into my face and said, "You shall die."

My Spark-Bumblebee x reader (movie 1-5)Where stories live. Discover now