Let's work together

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"Autobots, Lockdown, is hunting us. And humans are helping. We need to know why. "Well, listen, I don't know why, but I may haven an idea about whom." A few minutes later, we got Drift to change into his car mode, and we all sat next to him watching a video recording of autobots getting haunted. "This drone I stole recorded footage of an Autobot raid. It's in pieceds but watch what happens here." "Oh, that's leadfood." Hound said sadly, while I also watched with a sad face as I saw my friends getting hurt. "They rip him apart.""Savages" "And later, this truck comes to haul him off. KSI Kinetic Solutions. Defense, aerospace, government contracts. They designed this drone." "So these government guys just hunt you down, and pass you off to this KSI?" Shane asked. "Yeah, but they are also after you, Y/n." Cade said, and I looked at him in surprise. "What? How do you know?" "When the government guys came to get Optimus from my home, they said if a young woman was with him, they would give us a bonus." "Aright, cool, now I'm also on their killing list." I said annoyed.

"The company is headquartered in Chicago." "That could be where they were taken. No way to get inside without a battle." "Well, what if you had some human help?" "What? Are you two partners now?" "Sweetie we are targets now, too, we need to know why, or we will never get our lives back." "Autobots, I have sworn to never kill humans." "Big mistake." Hound said, and I nodded, agreeing. "But when I find out who did this, they are going to die."

"Let's just sleep now." I said and looked up to bee who nodded at me. The next morning, we drove to the city to get a few things. Shane and Tessa were supposed to steal some stuff where they really failed, I have to say. Cade was checking out KSI headquarters for a few hours, and I drove through the city with the autobots to find a place to stay for now.

"Hey, I found a whole bunch of boxes of clothes. So sweetie, you can get some long pants, nice, loose-fitting ones, and get rid of those shorts." Cade said as Bee transformed behind me and Drift swung his sword. "What did you guys get?" He asked them: I just looked over it and noticed it was nothing really useful. "It's protein." "Look, I said the essentials, okay?" "It wasn't easy we almost got caught." "You stole mouthwash?" "I like to be fresh when I make out with your daughter." Tessa grinned. "That's funny." "Sorry to tell ya dear but it's not." I said annoyed. "Yeah, that's not gonna happen ever." He said and threw the bottle across the room. Bee laughed at that, and I looked at him with strict eyes. "You're not one inch better, Bee." I said, rolling my eyes but smiling at him. "Let's head to KSI and get the cards to get in." Optimus said after he entered the building, " Cade, Shane and Optimus went to get the cards while I stayed with the others.

"So, what are you and my dad like together?" Tessa asked me out of nowhere. I choked and looked at her, dumbfooled. Behind me, Bumblebee made some disagreeing noises and walked over to me, taking me in his hands holding me close. "First of all, I only know him for, like, what? Not even one whole day; secondly, I already have a boyfriend." I said and looked up into Bee's face.

Just a few minutes later, Cade and the others came back. "Have you got it?" I asked them. "Yeah, a perfect photo of the card. We've got two of the cards, so you can also get in. He said and pointed at me. "Perfect." Bee made a picture of Shane with the name Melvin Hendrix on the card, while I got the name Ave Moore. The next day, Cade and I went to try out the cards. We walked through within a two-minute distance. Everything went fine, and we found a way to get in tomorrow.

"A couple of times a day, these guys are moving in vehicle shipments into KSI for something called 'Scanning' Major Security all over. So our best shot at getting in is a back-classified research entrance. I take Shane, and Bee to get in. Y/n takes Crosshairs." But Instant Bee disagreed. "Y/n comes----with me. You---take another car." He told Cade annoyed. At the end of the day, I decided to get in the backseat, and Shane and Cade got in the front. I will find an excuse if they ask something.

It was almost nighttime when I sat on Bee's lap with my back against his stomach area. Tessa and Shane were cuddling, and Cade looked at them, upset. "Excuse me, there's no smooching in front of me, okay?" Tessa got up annoyed, making comments at her dad. "You're so square, who even says 'smooching'" She left the room, and Shane sat there and kept quiet. "I tell you, no respect. It's impossible sometimes. "He said too. Optimus, who stood, leaned against a pillar not far away.

"Yeah, I went through that with Bumblebee when he first was in love with Y/N." He said, and I smirked at Bee, who looked embarrassed by that comment. "What? You mean that Bee loved Y/N? A car or robot loved a human??" "No. I didn't----loved her----I love her right now and always will." Bee said, making his point clear. "Cade looked at me to confirm this. "Yeah, he is right. I also love him and we've been in a relationship for years now." Cade looked at us strangely before his gaze shifted away. I noticed that Bee didn't like the look he gave us, but well, what are we supposed to do?"

My Spark-Bumblebee x reader (movie 1-5)Where stories live. Discover now