Chapter 4

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The ride up the mountain to the capital had been so bumpy that Meleena had to take care not to nip her tongue when she spoke. It was always to ask questions about some animal she had witnessed.

After a long ride through the jungle, Meleena and her father trotted into Dlawn'Edo from the south gate atop his kelpie. Her father let the reins drop as he lifted his arms to the view opening at the hilltop before them. "Welcome to Dlawn'Edo. Ahead is Crescent island, but most of the city lives under the lake."

Meleena was in awe, trying to take it all in. But the moment was shortlived. Her father pulled the reins aside, and they rode over another wooden bridge, which led to the back of a huge waterfall.


Arenay briefed Flax and Thian on what to expect on arrival at Meruyan capital city, Dlawn'Edo. The city was essentially a fortress, in a lake fed by a gigantic waterfall, atop a steep mountain surrounded by forest. There was no simple spot for a Warix to land. The city's only entrances, the North and South gates, allowed narrow passage by foot from a lower altitude.

Flax could see the blue speck from a distance. Inside a tornado of his own making, he flew alongside Thian, in toe with Governess Arenay as they headed for the North Entrance.

In a gust of released wind, the Governess landed at the center of the dirt road, blowing soil and leaves from the forest in the energy torrent. She stuck the landing in the narrow opening between the tree cover.

Flax wasn't so graceful, nor his aim so true, on this problematic landing as his sight clouded at the peripheries. As best he could, he reduced his tornado's intensity, but miscalculated descent speed as the dense forest blocked any wind to draw from.

The ground rushed at him. His heart thudded. In an attempt to prevent face planting, he blew wind energy directly down, causing him to fly back at an angle and slam into a tree.


Branches cracked between his various joints as he slid. The bitter taste of dried leaves filled his mouth, and he spat them out and winced from the pain before struggling to his feet and brushing leaves from his military issue clothes.

"Boys? Where are you?" A distant cry from Governess Arenay. His ears perked up.

He rubbed the silt from his eyes. His sight unclouded as the focus drained from sensing the wind. He knew their outward appearance would be changing from silver to their natural brown now. He'd never seen it in a mirror on himself but knew from looking at it happen in other Warix.

"Follow my voice, boys!" Governess Arenay called again.

Crunching leaves and snapping stalks told Flax that Thian must have landed nearby in a similar style to himself. Sure enough, a brawny form came out of the brush to join him.

"A perfect landing!" Thian grinned broadly, his shaggy bangs covered his eyes. "And the rucksacks are still intact!" He turned and slapped the rucksack on his back. It was crawling with ants.

They high fived to a job well done.

Soon they burst forth into the clearing. "There you are," Governess Arenay gave an exasperated sigh. "I hope you haven't damaged our provisions on your lousy landings."

"No, Governess!" Thian said proudly. Flax joined him, the large rucksacks sliding up their backs.

"Let's go. And brush yourselves off, boys, you're covered in plants from your hair to your boots."

She turned and led them up the path towards the dazzling mountain peak.

Thian groaned. "Why did we have to land so far down the mountain?"

Born of Wind - Of The Elements Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now