Chapter Seven

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"So we heard you and Finnick had a private session last night, Juniper," Hollis says politely as if she isn't snooping out the reason why Juniper didn't make an appearance at group training.

Juniper nods enthusiastically. "Yes, we did! Mentors aren't allowed at training, and he wanted some time to show me the ropes."

"Y'know they have instructors there, and they're really nice. Won't judge you for being a beginner," Arden tells her, walking alongside Hollis.

"Oh, I know! But since I'm comfortable with Finnick there's less of a chance of me getting embarrassed or something. Now that I've seen the place and everything I'm ready to train with everyone else now, see what's up."

Arden slowly nods, accepting this answer with a bit of amusement.

Hollis clicks the button for the elevator and the trio stands there waiting, Juniper rocking between her heels and toes. In her training uniform, she looks like less of a child, but she compensates with her mannerisms and her hair, having asked Mags kindly to braid it into two fishtails. Mags did a fantastic job.

The elevator dings, and when the doors open they reveal another pair of tributes, these without their mentor.

Emerson and Krisha, one of the game's most tragic and unusual pairings. The pair are siblings with a two-year age gap, hailing from District Eight. On the reaping stage, the two shared a look that had more words in it than anything they could've strung together. The look was a vow of victory.

And here they are in front of their eyes, looking as if they've been caught in the act. They were whispering furiously to each other before the doors opened, and now they shut up, stony and stock still.

Arden sends them a charming smile as the District Four pair walks in. Hollis gives them a wave before the doors shut in her face. Arden of course stays smirking in the silence before breaking it.

"Lovely accommodations, no?"

The siblings do not react.

Juniper's been fidgeting and now she blurts out a comment. "I just love my room. So much nicer than my one at home!"

Again, nothing from the silent two.

The doors ding open and out they all go, Emerson and Krisha first, beelining to the entrance to the main training center.

Juniper steps out behind Arden, directly into the antechamber in front of them. The small room is filled with benches that don't look very comfortable, two rows and twelve seats total laid out. Juniper assumes that it's set for the private evaluation. The benches sit empty now, and Arden strides right past them, through the open gate at the opposite end of the room. Arden pauses and turns to Juniper, who steps lightly behind him.

"I'll catch you later, Juniper. You can fend for yourself right, kid?"

Juniper grins brightly. "Oh of course! It's just the training center, there's no infighting here."

Arden nods in response, grimacing slightly at her energy before stalking away. Juniper continues standing by the entrance, acting as if she's taking it all in when really she's closely watching the tributes blanketing the room around her. She watches Arden make his way confidently to the archery station, to join the group lingering there. Juniper recognizes them easily as the careers.

Tetra and Barrett are talking animatedly, laughing on occasion. Dane and Ginger are having a very slow conversation, Ginger looking entirely disinterested and Dane just glowering at the ground. But what they all have in common is they have their eyes trained on a boy who Juniper can tell is sweating from where she's standing. He's fiddling with a bow, notching an arrow carefully. Carter is up to bat, about to shoot his official shot to join up with the careers. Clearly, they were undecided as of yesterday, but here he is today, trying to prove he's worthy.

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