Chapter Sixteen

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Juniper comes upon the cornucopia clearing by pure chance. Through the treeline, she spots that same ice lake glinting from the sun peeking through the clouds, and thanks her lucky stars. She emerges from the trees, encompassing the true picture of caution, peeking for any sign of human life. When she sees no movement, she scurries onto the ring of snow surrounding the platforms balancing on the ice. Unfortunately for her, she wouldn't be able to make a quick escape in any case. The risk of falling through the sheet of ice was simply too great for her to sprint messily.

As she ponders her next steps, her ears perk up to the low sound of footsteps behind her, and she turns just in time to dodge Tetra's spear, which swings dangerously at the spot that her head was just at.

Juniper grips the scimitar she has in her hand tightly, coming up from her ducked position. Tetra's nostrils are flared, and she's poised almost beautifully, flames dancing in her eyes with cold disdain. No words are exchanged as Tetra advances once more, aiming the spear at Juniper's heart. Juniper crouches low to evade the attack and dives with her weapon for Tetra's stomach, but Tetra uses her left hand to catch Juniper's right, throwing her back.

Tetra switches her stance and swings from left to right, utilizing the hilt of her spear to whack Juniper on her right side. Juniper stumbles to the left, but gains her balance fast, not falling into Tetra's speartip that the black-haired girl had ready to sink into Juniper's ribs.

Tetra fights lightly and intelligently, using everything she has to attempt to subdue her enemy. She's tall and fast, and Juniper isn't quite sure how she measures up.

When Tetra tries to go over Juniper again, Juniper grabs onto the hilt of the spear and forces it down. With her right hand, Juniper feigns as if she's going to stab Tetra in her left shoulder, but then diverts downwards, and embeds her scimitar into the flesh above Tetra's hip. Tetra howls with pain as Juniper rips out the blade.

Tetra's attention doesn't divert though, and she channels her agony into anger, retaliating instantly by switching the hand she wields her spear with, attempting to stab Juniper's right shoulder. Juniper turns her body, but Tetra is faster than anticipated and uses her other hand to pull Juniper's left shoulder out of its socket.

Juniper screeches, eyes watering from the pain. The corners of Tetra's lips quirk up, and she suddenly grabs Juniper by the neck, jumping in order to build the momentum to propel them both to the ground.

They both slam into the snow, Juniper's head cracking against the ice, the blonde's body breaking Tetra's fall.

Juniper groans out, brain fogging from the impact. She feels almost disconnected from the world around her. Despite her cloudiness, she still registers Tetra grabbing her by the hair and banging Juniper's head against the ice, once and then twice. Juniper fumbles for the scimitar still in her hand, preparing to sink it into her opponent's back, but before she has the chance to act, Tetra lets go of the District Four girl's hair.

Then Tetra starts screaming. Screaming so loud that Juniper's ears start to ring, and then she hears almost nothing but that incessant ringing, seeing nothing but the clouds in the sky. Tetra's nails are digging into Juniper's skin with such force that it brings Juniper back down to earth, back from the land where she can't feel any of her limbs anymore.

Juniper's head snaps up and her eyes widen as Tetra's body is dragged off of her.

Or, what is left of Tetra's body.

A giant wolf towers over Tetra's squirming figure, jaw unhinged, teeth glinting as it chews on the remainder of Tetra's lower half. Its maw is stained with blood, and its paws are planted firmly in the snow as it devours any flesh that it can.

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