5 seconds and 2

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Jungkook has been standing, a cocktail table in front of him, it is some celebration about an extra mile their company has achieved for the past two years

He's with his best friend saying something beside him but he is busy. Busy staring at a girl his brother came with. She is his plus one and it is his first time to see her, he doesn't even know that his brother has a beautiful friend like her. He is not listening to the man beside him and Jimin just notices it now

"Hey! I'm asking you a question!"
Jimin nudges his elbow that makes him stop staring at the woman and glances at him

"You know what? stop staring and come up with her"
He turns to look at the woman again

"And what am I supposed to say? I think she'll going to ignore me"

Jimin scoff before taking a sip on his drink

"do you forgotten who you are? You're the youngest Jeon, second in command after your brother of course"

"but that doesn't mean I'll get her attention just because I'm the COO. Can't you see? Her friend is my brother. The CEO"
Jungkook put down his glass and turn to look away from the view

"I didn't know you're this fast to give up without even trying... C'mon!"
Jimin pull him walking straight where the CEO and his date. Yoongi sees them right away and raises his glass to greet his younger brother with his best friend which is he having a crush with

Jimin smiles from ear to ear, his eyes disappearing in the process and Yoongi melted

"Hi.. are you having a good time?"

"Yes, of course... This is one of the biggest event after you become the CEO"
Jungkook stand there looking everywhere but not to the people in front of him. Yoongi knows his brother.. he's being shy again because of a new face beside him. He needs to introduce him before he walk away from them and put himself in the middle of the only people he knows in the company

"Kook, where is your date? I thought you'll come with your new friend.. what is her name again.. i forgot"
He teases to get his attention. Jungkook has his lips in a thin line staring at him, his eyes widen when he blushes with furrowed eyebrows

"Hyung, what are you saying? I don't date lately..."
He asked innocently. He used to date, most of them are blind dates arrange by his brother and best friend but nothing works. It's always a 1st date. None of them got into a 2nd meet up and when they asked him, he will simply say 'she's not for me"

"just kidding.. you look lost"

Taehyung giggles beside him, catching their attention. She holds his arm.. She's a little bit shy because she didn't know anyone aside from her college bestfriend Yoongi. She met him when both of them were studying abroad taking the same courses. She called him a week ago telling him she's coming home from graduating from a master degree, the same university she met him

Yoongi joins her from laughing while looking at her, Jimin got jealous and introduce himself

"Hello, may I know your name? I'm Park Jimin.."
But instead of introducing herself, Yoongi did that for her

He start.. He stares at her lovingly that everyone of them thinks they are actually dating. Jungkook expecting his hyung will introduce her as his girlfriend but the next word got him smiling

"She's my... My bestest friend... I met her being all quiet alone while attending classes and when we got to know that we both from South Korea, we become close and now, we both are successful. I'm so proud of you.. you really made it even though I left you a year ago

Taehyung leans to his shoulder, shyly smiling from all the compliments she got from him

"I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you Jimin"
She forward a hand for a handshake

"And this is my brother.. that I've been telling you"
He points at Jungkook as he forward a hand too

"I hope what he's telling you about me are all nice"
Taehyung shake his hand and look at her best friend again. She smiles

"yeah, I think.." she giggles again and Jungkook is now back at staring

"he is my COO" he adds and takes away her hands from his hold

Jungkook keep his distance but couldn't take his eyes away from her. If Jimin is being eaten by his jealousy, Jungkook thinks he's falling in love

The celebration has ended. Yoongi makes sure Taehyung will reach the hotel he got booked for her, giving strict instructions to his driver to keep her safe

He waves a hand, eyes on the car till he can't see them anymore

Jungkook grabs his arm and pull him inside a vacant office

"You never told me you got a hot best friend"
He emphasizes the word because there's no way his brother doesn't have feelings for her

"She beautiful, i know..."
Yoongi loosening his tie and unbutton his suit

"Yeah,.. well yes! She's one gorgeous..."
Jungkook lost words. Taehyung is undeniably beautiful. He thinks she's the most beautiful of all the women he meets

"But why you didn't tell me? Admit it.. you're gate keeping her because you have feelings for her"

"Feelings for her?" He laughs
"Who wouldn't but I don't.. I guess I'm loyal"
He says sincerely. He sits on a couch and runs a hand on his hair

"You don't have? Then can you set me a date with her?"
Jungkook is full of hopes but his brother laughs again

"And what makes you think i will do that"

"But! Why not?! I'm serious.. i like her"
Jungkook stand there. He's desperate. It will be exaggerated but it only took him 5 seconds to fall for her

"You might like her because she's beautiful but once you know her... You might..." He breathes, cutting his words short

"Look, I love her.. she's a lovely person and I want to protect her"

"Protect? Don't you have trust in me?"

"I didn't said that... She is.. she's special and she's been in a lot, I just don't want her to get hurt"

"I'm just asking for a date, I would never hurt her"

"But you said you already like her"

"Yeah, but I didn't said I'm going to hurt her.. please hyung... You've been setting me on a blind dates, why not with her?"

"Because she's my best friend and I know she's not ready.. she said it herself"

"I just want to see her again.. please?"

"Alright, I'll talk to her, now can we go home?"
Yoongi stand up and opens the door. Jungkook follows him as he can't stop from smiling.. he's looking for it. He wants to see her again

24/7, 365 (Short Story) ✓Where stories live. Discover now