24 hours

40 4 0

The wedding that all has been waiting for is happening now. Jungkook stands in front of his brother asking him for the 100th time how does he look

Yoongi sighs, running a hand on his face hoping his irritation will go away from doing so. He can't blame his younger brother. It's his first time getting married and hope it will be the last with the person he loved the most

"Hyung, How do I look?"
He runs a hand on his shoulder trying to get rid the invisible dust that he's the only one can see

"You're perfect Jungkookah. For goodness sake, can you stand still and waits for your bride?"

Jungkook pull a deep breath. He can't stop himself from smiling.. looks like his lips has its own life. He's blushing just to think this will be the moment he's been waiting for. Taehyung will be his, the love of his life, it will be the first day of his life to spend with her as long as they breathes

"Where is she?"
Yoongi asked pulling his long sleeves to look at his watch

"Few more minutes and it will start"
The wedding coordinator informs them, positioning them stand in their place

She raise a hand and the music begins. The lines of bridesmaids starts walking in the aisle throwing flower petals for the last person to walk with it

Jungkook can't take away his eyes on them, patiently waiting for the last person in line but after the bridesmaids pass through, the next are their godparents. 4 pairs to be exact and one of them is their hyungs

Namjoon and Jin walks side by side, both wearing a white suit. Jin has his hand hook on his husband's arm. They were smiling looking ahead of their youngest of the group. Jungkook giggles seeing them there

They were looking all gorgeous as they both come near him, he forwarded a hand for Namjoon, the other grabs it and pulls him for a side hug while Jin has his arms wide open with chin up, eyes close waiting for the groom to give him a hug

Jungkook laughs with the way he congratulates him

"Hyung, thank you for being here"
He whispers to his side before pulling away

"This is the event that we wouldn't dare to missed. I love you both Jungkookah"

The music changes signs the bride is finally here. A beautiful veil opens for her. She took the first step and all the guest take a stand. Taehyung is looking all gorgeous in her wedding gown, a thin soft veil covering her hair

Jungkook seems to forgot how to blink, even his breath has been counted. There will be no way his attention will get distracted to be taken away from his lovely bride

His world seems in slow motion, he can still hear the music but for him it's faint. Slowly Taehyung is coming near, with a beautiful smile till he feels a wetness in his cheeks. Just by staring at her makes his tear fall. Yoongi notice it and damp a small tissue but still Jungkook didn't turn his head on his way

Taehyung forward her hand and Jungkook didn't waist even a second to holds it. He holds her gently, feeling the engagement ring on her finger, the only thing that makes him blinks is when he notice a single tear roll down on her cheeks

He wipes it gently with a smile

"Why are you crying?"
He asked even though his eyes still moisten

"You're crying too"
She said and runs a fingertips under his eyes

Jungkook leans to her side and whisper

"You're so beautiful, my love.. I can't believe you're going to be mine"

The solemn ceremony has begun. They said their vows and make each other wear their wedding band and the next thing they knew. The priest telling them to have their first kiss as husband and wife


All the guests are enjoying the dishes the newly wed prepared for them, a lot of picture taking happened till it's time for their messages to each other

Jungkook pulls a note in his pocket and glances at it, just to make sure he wouldn't forget anything

Jungkook clears his throat. He look around seeing they are surrounded by important people in their life. He grips on the microphone and starts

" Thank you, thank you all for coming here, to be with us, to witness this special day in our life.. to my brother Yoongi bear.. thank you, if it's not because of you I wouldn't meet the love of my love"
He points at him. Yoongi stand and make a playful bow. Taehyung giggles sitting beside where Jungkook is standing

"And to my wife..."
He pause and take a deep breath

"I love you... I know you already know that and I'll never get tired of telling you, to show you, to make you feel the love I have in you.. that even if you're having a bad day, I'll tell you, to remind you that whatever happens, I'll stay here beside you, to be your strength, and you'll see me standing next to you.. I'm so ready to spend my 24 hours with you, I promise that I will never leave you"

Taehyung shed tears and Jungkook hopes for these kinds of reasons he can only give to her every time she'll cry. She stands, it's her turn to deliver her messages but they take time wiping her tears because  it wouldn't stop. She laughs it off and holds the mic

"To you my Jungkookie..."

"I gave you the key to my heart, and I have hope in you, trust you with it, I got your name and I'll do my very best every day that I'll cherish and love you, support you in every way we need to walk through... my only prayer is that we will stay still till we're old and gray"

Jungkook who stays standing beside her while giving her message kisses the side of her head

"I love you"
They both say that only them can  hear each other. Jungkook holds her in the waist and kisses her again on the lips



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