7 minutes

45 9 2

Jungkook has been staring at his wife from the moment he realizes that he got married to her exactly a month today and 7 minutes is all it takes for him and he's in heaven

Taehyung stirs in her sleep. The brightness that is starting to shine outside their window makes her eyes open and sees her husband lovingly staring at her

"Good morning.."

"Good morning love"
He pecks her on the lips that she immediately covers with a blanket

"Hon, i just woke up" she whines but that only makes him pull the blanket and kisses her more

He grips on her waist pulling her more to him while Taehyung pushes him away, to get away

She runs to the bathroom and locks it. She needs to start her day but suddenly she feels dizzy and needs to throw up. The water rushing in the sink can be heard outside and Jungkook can't be stopped just by the stupid door

He forces it to open seeing her having a gurgle

"Are you okay? I heard you throwing up"
He has her arms around her waist sniffing the side of her neck. She leans in the sink and spits the water

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I think"

He cups her face and leans his forehead to her. "no, you're not.. I insist that you take a leave"

"But I'm fine.. I can work"

"No... I want you to stay home"

"But what would I do here? You're going to work.. I'll be left alone here"
She pouts

"Okay, I'll take a leave too.. I'll be here with you, so I can take care of you"

"But I'm not sick... I'm just.. fine"

"Please Tae? For me? Let me take care of you"

Taehyung finally agrees, nodding her head

"Stay in bed.. I'll cook you breakfast"

"I'll come with you to the kitchen.."  she follows him downstairs

"Okay, but you're not allowed to do anything. You'll just sit there, okay?"

"Yeah!"  She leans to the table and watches him cook

Jungkook starts with the fried rice but the moment she smells the garlic in the pan is enough to make her stomach flips. She pinched her nose to not smell it

She calls that makes him stop

"What happened?"

"The smell... " She points at the garlic and goes to the sink

"What is happening to you?"

"I.. i just don't like the smell of it"

"But Love, you love garlic in fried rice"

"But not now.. i don't like it!"
Her mood changes. She's deeply frowning

"Alright.. I'll throw it.. what do you like instead?"
He opens the ventilators to ease the smell

"I want coffee"

"Coffee? Are you sure?"
Jungkook is surprised. This is new. She hates coffee

"Put a lot of creamers!"  She requested. He makes it in front of her but she's been scooping the creamer for the 5th time using a tablespoon

"Baby, that's a lot"

24/7, 365 (Short Story) ✓Where stories live. Discover now