"I'll Keep You Warm" & A Kiss on the ear & neck

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So this is what I've been writing instead of finishing the new chapter of Butterflies. *shrugs* it's still part of the same AU, so it counts, riiiight??

As much as I love Horny Young Adult Trunks, Horny Established Daddy (in more ways than one) Trunks is top tier.


Prompt: I'll Keep You Warm & a Kiss on the ear and neck



It was nearing one in the morning as Trunks quietly stepped inside his home. It was quiet and dark, a tall tale sign that everyone was already in bed and asleep. He let out a small frown. He wasn't surprised since it was so late, but he hated that he had missed an evening with his family.

Trunks made it a common practice to not work overtime or stay late in the office. His evenings with his wife and kids were too important, but when one is the CEO of the world's biggest company, sometimes working late is necessary. He was proud of the fact that in the seven years of his and Pan's marriage, he had only worked late a handful of times.

A new line of Capsule motors and homes was about to be released, something that commonly happens every five to ten years. It was always a busy time for Capsule Corp, but the worst part of it was the meetings that lasted all day, and sometimes, all night.

The bad thing was that the creative team never got along with the board of directors. The two of them fought worse than Trunks' five-year-old twins. There had been a bit of relief in the early evening when Pan had stopped by with the children to eat with him, and Trunks had stayed away for as long as he could before he re-entered the meeting rooms. Another small relief was that Trunks wasn't completely alone against the chaos; Goten, who was quickly becoming the lead engineer for Capsule Corp was there too.

Trunks walked through the living room, stepping around and over a few toys that were scattered across the floor where the twins had played. In the kitchen, the light of the oven blinked the time as Trunks tipped-toed up the stairs. The light at the top of the stairs cast a small golden glow over the hallway.

The second door on the right was shut, and Trunks opened it carefully, even though he knew his twins could sleep through a hailstorm. Their nightlight glowed across the ceiling of sparkling stars in blues and greens. Trunks walked over to the beds and let out a small snort at the sight of Goku Jr hanging upside down and halfway off his bed. The boy was deadweight as Trunks adjusted him in the bed correctly and covered him up with the blanket before he leaned down to kiss his forehead. Vegeta Jr was on the bed but sprawled out like a starfish. Trunks adjusted him under the covers and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight, boys," he called softly before he shut their door.

The single door on the left that was across the hall from the stairs leading up to the third story was cracked open. Trunks pushed it open a little further, a glow of soft pink and purple glittered on the ceiling with flowers. Trunks walked over to the crib in the middle of the room and smiled down at his sleeping daughter. She was curled up on her side, cuddling a brown and white dog plushie. Mamoru had gotten it for her on her birthday back in January, and Akari had refused to sleep without it since.

Trunks tucked the blanket around his daughter's small sleeping body and leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight, Princess," he whispered as he walked out of her room and left her door cracked.

Trunks practically ran up the stairs, taking them three at a time. By the time he reached the bedroom, his shirt was already off and his pants unbuttoned. Trunks closed the door behind him and shook off his shoes before tossing his shirt, pants, and socks into the laundry basket and his phone on the nearby dresser. He desperately wanted to run to his bed and pull Pan against him but willed himself to at least go to the bathroom first to brush his teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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