Kiss on the lips & Kiss on the Nape

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Kiss on the Nape & Kiss on the Lips

Vegeta-Sei AU

Pan rushed down the castle hallways quickly. She had heard the news from a maid that her squadron was finally back, and she couldn't stop herself from rushing down. She stopped short in front of the pillars guarding the courtyard and she took a deep breath. Before Trunks and the rest of the squad had left, she had told him that she would not be waiting in the courtyard for him, and her stubbornness refused her to do what she so desperately wanted to do. Just because they had a stupid fight...

In their last mission, Pan had gotten severely hurt, and as soon as they touched down on Vegeta-sei she was rushed to the medical wing of the hospital.  She had been comatose for four days before she finally woke up, much to everyone's relief. During her first day of visitors, Trunks and the rest of their squadron visited her, happy to see that she was well. It was there that they were told that another mission had already popped up for them to do. Despite being exhausted, and sore as all get out, Pan was relieved for the distraction and was ready to go. Trunks however, was not ready for her to. He even used the, 'I'm the Prince' card, which pissed her off to no end.

The first week they were gone, Pan had been so pissy. Every time Bulla or Marron would visit her and mention Trunks' name, she would reply back with a miffed, "who?"

She knew she was being a bit dramatic about the whole thing, especially since all Trunks was worried about was her health. That still didn't stop her from feeling like she had let her squadron down somehow. There was no telling what kind of mess they were making without her there.

By the second week, Pan was beginning to feel guilty at the way she acted and she could feel the emptiness because Trunks wasn't there. They hadn't been courting for long, but they were bonding fast. Pan knew without a doubt that he was the one, he had always been the one.

By the third and fourth week, she had really started missing Trunks. Her days were lonely without seeing him. She found herself sighing most times than not and wishing he'd return soon.

By the fifth week and had been pure miserable with loneliness. Sure, she had her family and her friends, but nothing could beat Trunks... not really.

As soon as she had heard the news that her squadron had finally returned home, she had left Ba with her parents and took off to castle as fast as she could. That left her where she was now... Leaning against one of the pillars as she waited for her squadron to come him. Only problem was... they were taking such a long time!

Strong arms wrapped around her for a split second, causing her to gasp. A calloused hand grabbed hers and started tugging her away. Her eyes were wide and staring at the back of a lavender head as he rushed them into a hidden hallway.

Trunks was grinning as his hands reached up and grabbed her shoulders, pushing her against the wall gently. Pan had to force herself to breath. He was so gorgeous, he always had been.

"You stubborn woman," he began, his grin wide. "You told me you wouldn't wait in the courtyard for me, and yet you were hiding behind the pillars," he teased.

"I wasn't hiding," Pan denied, although she knew it was a lie.

Trunks gave her a disbelieving look, but his eyes were filled with amusement and love. "I hope you're not still mad at me," he told her gently.

Pan pooched her lips out slightly. "Trust me, I was... But I'm not anymore..." she told him. "I know you were just worried about me..." She could still remember the look of horror that crossed his face when he saw her get hit. It made her feel even more guilty for being as mad as she had been...

"I'm glad," he sighed, his hand reaching out and stroking her hair.

Pan smiled, a light blush covering her cheeks. "So... How was the mission?"

"Ah," Trunks let out a small sigh. "Just about the same as always. Goten and Link were driving us all nuts by being idiots. Rein was constantly threatening to kill them, and Tarble threatened to leave us on the planet more than a few times. Only difference was that you weren't there to scare Goten and Link into behaving, or to tell Rein to not kill them... Or to stop Tarble from leaving us that one time he actually did it... And you weren't there to boss me around, which I know is your favorite thing to do," he smirked.

Pan couldn't help by smirk back. "There's just something about bossing my Prince around that I can't resist."

Trunks' eyes widened slightly and Pan wondered for a split second if maybe she had said something wrong...

"My Prince...?" He whispered, the grin on his face stretching even wider.

"I..." Pan's eyes widened and her cheeks grew hot. "I mean, not just my Prince," she said quickly. "Everyone's Prince, Vegeta-Sei's Prince-"

Trunks grabbed her face quickly before swooping down and planting a kiss on her lips to hush her. She melted into him instantly, her arms coming up and wrapping themselves around him.

"Kami, I've missed you..." Trunks murmured as he pulled away. His hands were still on her head and his thumbs gently stroked her warm cheeks. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," Pan whispered.

Trunks leaned forward, removing the space between them. One of his hands came down, holding the back of her neck as the other one slid down to her waist where he pulled her closer. His kisses were hot and drove Pan wild, leaving her craving him even more.

His lips came down, peppering kisses on her jaw before he reached her neck. Pan felt herself sucking in a breath as his tongue caressed down her neck. She tilted her head slightly, giving him more of her neck as his lips found every inch of skin they could. Pan's hands came down to hips hips, holding him tightly as content purrs rolled from her mouth. Trunks was purring too, it was the loud, throaty purrs that made Pan's whole body tremble.

"Trunks..." she purred as he licked a tender spot on her neck.

Trunks grabbed the back of her thighs by surprise and hoisted her up against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist securely as her hands grabbed his hair. His lips crashed against hers as he pressed against her and she could feel everything. The want he so desperately had, and she did too.

Her hands searched his armor, begging to find some strap to open them up and free him. Before she could reach it, one of his hands came up to hers as he pulled away with a frown.

"No..." he whispered, swallowing hard as he shook his head.

Pan knew it was childish, but she couldn't stop her pout or whine. "Trunks..."

"Oh God, don't say my name like that," he visibly shuddered. "Please Panna, it's taking all of my willpower at the moment to not take you at the moment."

"Then why won't you?" She asked desperately. She wanted it just as bad as him, she could feel it.

"Because," he began seriously, "our first time together will not be me fucking you in a hallway."

Pan let out a shaker breath as he slowly let her down. She knew he was saying that because he wanted their first time to be special, she did too so she appreciated his consideration... But dammit what he just said made her even more horny.


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