First Encounter

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As Zero is walking down a path through the forest, heading to a depressed child's home to drive them to insanity and go on a murderous rampage, she passes a tall man, unlike anyone she's ever seen. He was dressed dark, yet like anyone else; black coat, black beanie, black jeans. But that wasn't what caught her eye, no. It was his eyes and mouth. They were... glowing yellow. 'That's odd.' She thought, continuing on her way. She reached the child's house, and noticed that the door was open. She brushed it off as nothing, and walked inside. As she was headed upstairs to the child's room, she saw him; the man with the glowing eyes and mouth. The man was standing above the child, cutting him open, ripping out muscle, and attaching yellow strings to him. She stood quietly in the shadows, amazed. After he had finished with his strings, he started breaking every bone in the boy's body. He then stepped back a bit, and moved his hand like a puppeteer moving his puppet. At first, there was nothing, but with a flick of his wrist, the boy stood. The boy started walking, and stood under the ceiling fan. With another flick of the man's wrist, the boy started to levitate. Yellow strings began to wrap around the boys neck and then the fan. The man dropped his hand to his side, and the boy sit there, hanging, waiting for his mother to walk in and find him in the morning when he doesn't come to breakfast.

The man turned around and looked straight towards Zero. "Hello," he said, "Did you like my performance?" Zero stood there, shocked. She didn't like to admit it,but he was actually quite handsome. "W-who are you? How did you do that?" she asked. The man laughed and said, "Why, I'm the Puppeteer! I find people who are lonely or depressed and won't be missed,and turn them into my puppets! I make people admit to defeat, and hang them or strangle them with my strings! It really is quite fun." Zero stood there, not knowing what to do or say. Should she run? Should she kill him? The man, or 'Puppeteer'as he called himself, laughed again, and asked, "And who are you, might I ask?Why are you here, watching me work? Not that I mind, I like when people watch!" Zero put her sledgehammer to her side,now noticing she'd been hugging it tight against her chest the entire time. "I-I'm Zero." she stammered, " I visit people who are depressed, lonely, or bullied in their dreams and drive them to the point of insanity, making them go on murderous rampages. When they finish their outburst, I kill them by smashing in their skulls with my sledgehammer here. If I need to, I kill their friends and family, too. " The Puppeteer nodded, grinned. "Nice to meet you, Zero. Anyways,I'd best be off. Got lots of people to kill!" He winked. And with that, he was gone. 


*Note: This is my first fanfic, so I'm sorry if it's not very good. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! (:

Zero x Puppeteer (Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora