One More Day

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It was the last day for the Puppeteer to prove he is worthy of working with Zero. She was definitely warming up to him, too. Every night they would cuddle and use the Puppeteers jacket as a blanket, and they would laugh and smile and joke together. They had one more kid to kill before Zero would either accept or deny his partnership. As they headed to the boys house, the Puppeteer started levitating again. "Hey, how is it possible to do that? I mean, is it really possible to be both the master and the Puppet?" asked Zero. He laughed. "Well, you can control your body, right? These strings are pretty much part of my body, so I can control them. I attached these strings to myself when I was little. If I tell the strings to do something, they do it. So, if I want them to lift me up, they lift me up. Strange, I know." Zero looked at him in amazement. They continued walking until they made it to the boy's house, and did what they always do; Zero kills friends and family and drives him insane, then the Puppeteer turns him into a puppet and kills him. An average day for the two.

The two lay down in the building of choice (an abandoned hospital they found, tonight) on some old beds left behind. "You know, you have to make a decision tomorrow," said the Puppeteer, through the dark, "on whether you're gonna partner with me or not." Zero smiled. "I know." She said. And with that, they fell asleep.

In the morning, Zero once again awoke to the Puppeteer in the bed she was using. "I take it you got cold last night?" she giggled.

Zero x Puppeteer (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now