A New Challenge

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When Zero woke up, there was no sign of the Puppeteer. She called for him over and over again, but when there was no reply, she began to worry. "Where could he have gone? Did he leave for good? If he did, why? Didn't he like me?" she asked herself. She started looking frantically around the building and outside, calling his name, but saw no sign of him. "Hey, Pupp! Where'd you go? You're worrying me!" she yelled. As Zero walked back inside, somebody grabbed her waist and hugged her. Zero squealed. She turned around, and saw the Puppeteer giggling. "Man, you should have seen your face!" he said, as he let go of her. "Don't scare me like that!" yelled Zero, "Where did you go, anyways? I-I was worried about you..." she blushed. "Oh, just out for a walk." Said the Puppeteer, "You weren't awake yet and I was bored. Sorry to worry you." Zero turned around, and headed out the door.

"This next kid will be easy. His parents are both already dead, he lives on his own, and doesn't have any friends, so I won't be too long. Just gotta make the kid go on his killing spree." The two of them walked in, and found the boy asleep on the couch. Zero went up to the boy, and started to do her thing. A minute had passed, and Zero looked towards the Puppeteer. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I-I can't get to him. I can't reach him in his dreams. It's like he's got a wall protecting him." She said, a concerned tone to her voice, "This hasn't happened before." The Puppeteer walked over, and looked at the boy. "I wonder how he does it." He said. Just as the Puppeteer had said that, the boy woke up. Zero and the Puppeteer ran to hide, but it was too late. The boy had already seen them. "Who are you people?" he asked. "Uh... what do we do?" Zero asked the Puppeteer. Then, the boy spoke again, "You know, you shouldn't come waltzing into people's house like that.... Especially mine..." He got up, and looked at the two with a crazed, murderous grin. The boy started to make his way over to the two, when Zero noticed he was holding something. "A knife." She muttered. The boy laughed, "Oh, this? Don't worry; I won't do anything too bad. But, then again, you did break into my house..." the boy began to run towards Zero and the Puppeteer, when out of nowhere yellow strings came from all directions and wrapped around the boy's body. "W-what the hell?! What's happening?!" the boy screamed. The Puppeteer walked over to the boy. "Oh, those? Don't worry; I won't do anything too bad. But, then again, you did mean to kill us..." he mocked with a sly smirk. The boy squirmed. "Let me go! I'll kill you! Both of you!" he screamed. "And that's precisely the reason I won't be letting you go." The Puppeteer began making the strings squeeze the boy until he dropped his knife and squealed. "Now," the Puppeteer said, looking towards Zero, "I think we might need to skip the best parts and just mash his skull in. And what a shame, it would have been fun to see this one go on a rampage." Zero nodded. "I agree." She said, lifting her sledgehammer. The Puppeteer pushed to boy to the ground, and Zero slammed her sledgehammer into the boy's skull, over and over again. When they had finished, Zero looked to the Puppeteer. "I wonder if the reason I couldn't get to him was because he was already murderous. You know, all his friends and his parents were murdered... the murderer was never caught. Do you think maybe it was him who killed them?" The Puppeteer took a second to think about that. "Could be possible. It's quite likely." He said.

Zero x Puppeteer (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now