Chapter 6 - ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴛᴇᴅ

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Mirai_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Vol. 7, Chapter 59

Shin: It was inevitable...

Time: 5:14am, December 20, 2063
*Shin is at Kurai HQ*

Shin: Please could you tell me where you are?
Shiloh: I'll tell you when you're done... find Mirai and arrest her. I want to be alive...
Shin: And why?
Shiloh: Cause... she's the key...
Shin: Hmmm...
*Shin was pure silent*

Shin: It was inevitable...

Time: 11:11am, December 24, 2063

Jodette: Oh, Mirai... *in tears*
Mirai: Mom *crying*

The two stood in the doorway, a poignant tableau of familial love and vulnerability. Mirai's tears, a testament to the trials she faced, were met with the comforting presence of a mother who understood the language of unspoken pain.

As the rain persisted, its rhythmic cadence served as a backdrop to the shared solace between mother and daughter. In that fleeting moment, the chaotic world outside faded into insignificance, leaving room for the healing power of a mother's love to mend the wounds that time had etched upon Mirai's soul.

*minutes later*
As the aroma of home-cooked food enveloped them, Jodette's offer to share a meal broke the somber silence that lingered between mother and daughter.
Jodette: Want something to eat?

Mirai, though uncertain of her own emotions, accepted the gesture.
Mirai: Sure thing.

Seated at the table, Mirai struggled with conflicting feelings. She knew that this reunion, in the midst of the turmoil that had chased her, held a sense of finality.
Mirai: So... Mom, how has it been?

Jodette, a mix of warmth and sadness in her eyes, shared her own reality.
Jodette: Well, I'm home alone... but I'm used to it. You? How has it been?

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