Chapter 25

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Dovey's POV:

My heartbeat became faster when Y/N shut us in here. How was I supposed to get my beauty sleep when attached to a chair that Lesso was also stuck to?

"And you are sure there is no way out of these?" I asked, hopefully.

"If there was a way out of these, I wouldn't still be here, would I? We need the key, the same one our princess pickpocketed from you after you freed Sophie." Lesso commented rubbing her chin with her free hand.

"She wouldn't leave us here all night, would she?" I asked, a little worried about staying in a room this dark. The whole creepy atmosphere was freaking my imagination out a lot.

"I wouldn't count on her coming back" Lesso sighed, leaning into the chair more "I'd get comfortable if I were you"

"How can I do that when you are on the chair?"

"Sit on my lap"


"Either that or you sleep against the side of the chair," Lesso said suppressing a smile. She knew she was right, and I disliked that she knew what I was going to have to do. I huffed and then got on, making sure my robe covered everything as best as possible. "See that wasn't bad was it?"

I rolled my eyes, which earned me a flick to my head. I looked at her shocked.

"What was that for?" I complained, rubbing my head.

"Well I would spank you for being a brat and giving me attitude, but my other hand is a bit preoccupied being tied up right now. So that's the best you're getting" She explained placing her hand on my thigh. Making my core re-light with a warmth I really didn't want right now.

"You want to spank me?"

"I don't want to, but you need it, so I'm willing to do it." Lesso smirked "Who else would tell you when you are being stupid or could put you in your place when your ego is far too overconfident?"

"My ego being overconfident?!" I scoffed "That's rich coming from you. You have the biggest ego of them all"

"So put me in my place then" My eyes widened in surprise at her words. She wanted me to do what?

"Don't look so shocked, dove, I was joking. You couldn't do that if your life depended on it. You are too, what's the word, oh yeah Good" She mocked with a cheeky grin.

Her words hit a nerve though and Lesso was right. She needed to be put in her place. Without a second thought, my free hand grasped the sides of her neck and pinned her head to the back of the chair, restricting her breathing a lot. However, instead of her looking scared at my rash action, a wide grin appeared on her face. Like she was enjoying it. She looked straight into my eyes, and I watched as her lips became moistened by the tongue that ran along it. Her eyes flicked down to my lips as I pressed my hand further into her throat.

"Well, well. I'm impressed Clarissa. You've got a natural talent for strangling someone. Who knew an Ever could be so good at something so evil?" She somehow said in a sultry voice, despite the lack of air she was receiving. Her free hand snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to her. We were barely an inch from each other's mouths. I could feel her breath on my lips, which created a warmer sensation at my core. Her eyes were glued to my lips and were dilating as if they had just locked onto something she wanted to devour.

Her hand moved to my chin and all I could focus on was the feel of her long fingers gripping my chin. Her lips brushed over mine ever so slightly, as if to see what my reaction would be, and my body melted into hers. I released her neck, brought my hand to her jaw, and brought us together. We were soon on each other, wanting to taste more of each other. The kiss was long and passionate and was long sought after by both of us. The love/hate relationship we'd had tension bubbling from for years was finally being released and let out in this mind-blowing kiss. This was exhilarating compared to the kiss we had to punish Y/N.

The Assistant (Lady Lesso x Professor Dovey x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now