The Knife.

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As melony rushes though the woods desperately trying to get back to the castle she can see a lot of Red and, Blue lights cutting though the darkness.

As she approaches the castle she can hear the sound of multiple vehicles roaring to life as well as police sirens. The closer Melony gets to the castle the further away the police lights and, their sirens go.

Melony pulls her phone out and, tries to call Meggy. Melony gets filled with horror when she realizes her phone is dead.

Just as Melony breaches the woods she sees Meggy driving off. Melony tries to get Meggy's attention but fails.

So Melony decides to go back inside the castle to charge her phone. Then Melony sees it.

She sees her own face staring back at herself on a poster. The poster reads: Missing Melody last name unknown. She was last seen in the show grounds castle if you spot her please call the Police immediately. She hasn't been well and, could be a danger to herself.

After the poster sinks into Melony's mind she starts crying. Melony thinks to herself Why did I have to run off? Why why why? I made my friends panic for no reason.

Defeated Melony goes into the castle and, runs while crying back to her bedroom. Melony fiddles around and, she finds the light switch. She turns on the lights.

Then she frantically digs around her bedside dresser until she finds her phone charger. Then in a fast intense motion she grabs the charger and slams the drawer shut. Next she rushes to the wall and, violently plugs the charger into the power outlet. Then she attached the other end of the charger to her phone.

Melody thinks to herself all I have to do now is let my phone charge then call Meggy.

Melony realizes just how hungry she is. She decides to go to the kitchen and, make herself a snack. She sheepishly flicks on the lights and, opens the drawer with the utensils in it. But she pauses when her eyes glance over the knife.

The knife seems to call out to Melony.
"I know you miss Axol I know you wish you could be with him. So come on just get it over with. If you do it right you won't feel anything." The knife seems to say in a sinister tone.

"Come on I know how bad you feel. I know how much you miss Axol so just do it. Join him for all eternity." The knife says while seemingly waiting for Melony to make up her mind.

"No!" Melony says in a confident tone of voice. "Axol wouldn't want that. He would want me to be strong. For him for myself for my friends. For everyone." Melony says in a confident but, sad voice.

"Fine but, I'll always be here." The knife seems to say. With that everything seems to be normal.

Melony decides to just have some leftovers. She sees some lasagna in the fridge. It has her name on it. Melody carefully takes it out and, heats it up. She watches as the microwave counts down until the food is done.

As it cooks Melony thinks to herself If Axol was here he probably would've made me something healthy. Melony having thought about Axol starts to cry.
But just as she does she hears it.

BEEP BEEP BEEP. Her food is done. Melony opens the microwave and, tries to pick up the plate. But bruns herself a bit. So she drops the plate and, goes to the drawer next to the oven. She opens the one in the middle and, takes out two gloves.

She puts them on and, they fit perfectly. She then reaches into the microwave and, takes the food out.

As Melony sits down to enjoy her meal she can't believe her eyes. In the chair just across from Melony was Him.

He said "I saw you were going through a tough time Melony."

Melony almost says something but, then He cuts her off.

"I wish I could help you. I really do. But well I'm sure you know why I can't." He continues "But I just wanted to say this. I know you feel vulnerable right now. I know you regret what you did. But please Melony you have to forgive yourself. Because it's not your fault. You didn't have much of a choice."

Then in a slightly more somber tone he says "But I don't blame you. As painful as it was I know it wasn't your fault. If you remember I told you to do it. I knew it was the only way to save you. Please Melony don't join me. I would love nothing more then for you to have a long and, happy life. Yes I'm sad I can't be there with you. But I'll always be waiting for you. I'll always be your friend."

Melony tries to say something but, he cuts her off again "I wish I could stay a little longer but, I have to go back to where I now belong. This isn't my world to be in Melony. But it's yours."

In a sad tone Melody says to him. "Please don't go."

Then he says "I wish I didn't have to but, I can only be here for a short amount of time. Please Melony promise me you'll talk to your friends about this. I know you're strong. But I know you're not strong enough to get through this all by yourself."

Melony says slightly crying "I promise I'll talk to my friends ok. Please don't go. Don't leave me again Axol."

As Axol starts to fade away he says. "Don't worry Melony I'll always be watching over you. I'll make sure nothing bad happens. Think of me like your guardian angel. Remember you can always talk to me in your dreams. Well goodbye Melony. I can't stay any longer."

"Goodbye Axol." Melony says in a saddened voice.

Axol waved as he faded away. He was now gone completely.

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