The News.

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After Axol left Melony was once again alone in the castle. She was just about to start crying but, then she smelled the lasagna she made.

Then her hunger came back with a vengeance. After all she hadn't eaten in quite a while. She begins to dig into her meal when all of a sudden the TV in the kitchen across the table from her turns on.

The TV was on the news channel the newscaster looked worried. "Alright you're live." Said someone off camera.

The newscaster sat up. A Picture of the Missing poster Melony saw earlier was put up on the screen and the newscaster started saying "I have just received some extremely important news."

The newscaster starts to look worried as his eyes see the news that he is to read. "Melony has just been reported missing but, she hasn't been seen for hours. Every law enforcement agency we have is out looking for her. But why should we be worried I bet you're asking. Well because Melony is part of the group of people that have saved this world from villains multiple times over. Our sources say she is the strongest member of the group. So with her missing there's ample opportunity for an evil mastermind to make their move. But there is hope because as of right now there's no reports that she's dead. In fact it's very likely she's still alive given her strength. The Mushroom kingdom government is offering a $5,000,000 reward for any information that could lead to her getting found. The reward is due to creditable rumors that there's a villain on the loose right now who could be ready to make their move at any time. So if you have any information that could help find her it very well could be what ends up saving the world."

The newscaster seems to be angry at how fast he has to move on. "In other news due to Melony going missing most investors are pulling out of the market. Sending almost all stocks into free fall. In fact since the news of Melony going missing has spread everything has plummeted in price."

Melony finds the TV remote and, turns it off. As she finishes up her meal and, clears off the table Melony remembers she left her phone in her room on the charger.

She rushes to her room to get her phone. Melony turns it on and, filled with determination she puts in the code. Melony tries calling Meggy but, it goes right to voicemail.

Then it plays Meggy's voicemail greeting as it does out of shock Melony can't do anything but listen to it.

"You've reached Meggy I can't answer my phone right now because I'm looking for someone really important. Leave a message and, I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Says the voicemail greeting.

Melony in a panic tries again and, again to get through each time getting more desperate and, losing more hope. After twenty attempts Melony decides to call the police.

Melony thinks to herself if I'm missing then calling the police would be the best I can do so that they can find me and, end the panic. Melony dials the phone number only to get a busy signal. She tries a few more times.

It's not working Melony thinks as she starts to panic.

Just then Melony remembers about social media. She decides to go to her account and, post a selfie. To show that she's ok and, to end the worldwide panic that was caused by Melony going missing.

Seemingly because after her post Melony can hear police sirens fast approaching the castle. She also hears the familiar sound of Meggy's car. Melony decides to go out and, meet everyone outside instead of waiting for them in her room. Melony rushes to the front door of the castle and, opens it. 

A few hours later... Melony and, Meggy are sitting on Melony's bed. Melony is talking about everything that happened. Meggy with her voice filled with empathy says "I'm glad you're ok Melony. This was my fault. I shouldn't have assumed the worst." Melony yawns Like she hasn't slept for years. Meggy notices this and, says "I think you should get some sleep. It might help you deal with everything that's happened today. Also you sound really tired."

Melony then says "I don't think that's a good idea. There's still so much I have to tell you."

Meggy sighs and, replies to Melony with "It's ok I don't mind waiting. In fact I think I'm gonna need some time myself. To think about everything you've told me."

Meggy walks over to the door of Melony's bedroom. "Goodnight Melony I hope you sleep well." Meggy says in a caring and, endearing voice as she turns off the light to the room and, closes the door behind her as she leaves.

Melony tries to get up from the bed but, at this point she's too weak to escape the grip the bed has on her. So Melony lies down defeated. She pulls the covers over herself.

But she finds it hard to get comfortable. Shs tries multiple positions before she ends up lying on her left side with her head resting comfortably on the pillows. Melony tries to stay awake.

Afried of what nightmares she might have. As she lies there alone she can't help but to think about everything that's happened. From Axol showing up as a ghost. To the knife trying to get Melony to join Axol. To how the TV turned on all by itself.

How happy Meggy was to see Melony. How Melony going missing caused so much panic. How the entire world was on edge. All because Melony went missing. As Melony thought and, thought she found herself getting more and, more tired.

Just as she fell asleep she heard what sounded like all her other friends coming into the castle while talking. She wanted to hear what they had to say but by then she couldn't stay awake anymore. With that Melony falls asleep.

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