The Dream.

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As Melony sleeps she starts to see a place where she is surrounded by stars. Melony can't help but, feel like she's been there before.

As she walks around she decides to look down. When she looks down she sees that she's walking on a translucent dark blue floor. Just as she starts to figure out where she is Melony hears a familiar voice.

"See Melony? I said you would always be able to see me in your dreams." A familiar voice said.

Melony in a innocent and, sweet voice asked "Axol?"

As she turned around she could see him.
Once Melony realized who it was she let out a scream filled with joy. As she ran over to Axol and, pulled him into a tight hug.

"I'm glad you're ok Melony." Axol said.

"Of course I'm ok. Why wouldn't I be?"
Melony said In a happy but, slightly worried voice.

"Let's just say sometimes people don't take loss so well." Axol worryingly says.

Melony asks"What do you mean? Axol?"

All of a sudden Melony starts to hear an alarm clock.

Axol also hears it.

Axol says. "I'm sorry Melony but, I think it's time for you to wake up. I hope you have a good day. I know you can make it through this."

Before Melony can say anything she's back in the real world. Annoyed Melony destroys the alarm clock.

Melony didn't know what to do so she just sat on her bed thinking...

All of a sudden in typical fashion Meggy kicks open Melony's bedroom door.

"I know how to cheer you up." Meggy said in a cheery voice.

"What is it-." Melony tries to ask.

Meggy cuts her off. "We're going to McDonald's and, I'm getting you a happy meal."

Melony got so happy by this news it she got stars in her eyes.

Meggy sees how happy that made Melony and, with that Meggy also started to get happy.

Meggy got into the driver seat of her car and, Melony sits in the passenger seat beside Meggy.

As they drive down the road Meggy asks Melony in a kind voice "So what was it like? Your walk in the woods I mean?"

Melony answered "It was great. At least until I realized I didn't tell anyone about it. Once I realized I tried to call you but, I had no reception." I ran back to the castle as fast as I could. But I got there too late."

Melony pauses then says "I'm sorry I caused you so much panic." Melony starts crying.

Meggy notices this and, says "Hey it's not your fault. I probably would have done the same thing if I was going through what you were."

With that Melony's tears let up.

"Look!" Meggy says pointing to the sign of the McDonald's.

Melony lights up with happiness upon seeing the sign. A few minutes later...

Meggy and, Melony are enjoying their food when Melony gets to the toy. She opens it and, is horrified.

Meggy looks over to see why Melony is so terrified and, that's when Meggy sees it. The toy Melony got was a figurine of none other than Axol.

Meggy says in a worried voice "I didn't even think that could happen. I'm sorry Melony."

"It's ok Meggy. I'm fine." Melony says sounding surprisingly happy.

"What? I thought you would be upset."
Meggy says in a confused tone.

"Why would I be upset?" Melony asked in a sweet and, wholesome voice.

Meggy thinks then says "Because you're still getting over the death of Axol?"

Melony pauses then says "I think I've gotten over it. I know Axol will always be with me. He's probably watching over me right now from the afterlife."

Meggy seems to be happy to hear this and, tells Melony "Well just remember that if you ever need it, want help to cope with your loss you can always talk to me."

Melony says "I know Meggy. I know. Thanks for offering to help."

Meggy says "Of course I would. I'm your friend I care about you."

Melony says "I'm glad I have such good friends. Thanks Meggy."

"It's no problem. No problem at all." Meggy says.

With that Melony had finally moved on from the Axol's death.

In the afterlife Axol had been watching all of this happen.

Axol says to himself "Thank you Meggy. Thanks for helping Melony move on. I can rest easy now knowing Melony's going to be alright."

The end.

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