The cellar

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Man's (at the desk) POV/Manager for 'Unknown guy

Kneeling in front of the girl I lifted her into my arms and started down a set of stairs that led to the 'Cellar' downstairs behind me. Walking slowly, I looked side to side until I saw an empty cell. (But a special one) Grunting, I dropped her on the floor, wincing slightly as I heard a loud thud.  Carefully untying the rope that kept her bound together, I replaced them with hard metal restraints. Manacles for the feet -attached to the wall- and another pair for her hands. Locking them around the wrist, I tightened them. Just to be cautious. Taking one last look at her slumped body, I walked out and locked the door, making sure that there were guards that were there to stay and watch over her in case she escapes which is a highly impossible, but still a possible thing for anyone to do.

Walking back to my desk, I sat down and wrote some 'highly confidential' notes on our new prisoner/toy. Boy, it was going to be fun! :)

Madison's POV

Opening my eyes, I instantly regretted it when I saw the place I was in. Fuck! That Cara seriously is getting in my ner-Wait! 


I slapped myself for blabbering so much and talking to nobody but myself mentally and not realizing this earlier I stood up quickly cursing, only to be pulled down a little when I saw the chains that restrained me. Great! Wonderful! Am I really that dangerous...well I can be but...argh! I stomped around angrily. Seriously?! How could I have not been careful? I think the stomping noise alerted the people inside this rundown house because a man's face appeared, smiling.

"Well, you look delicious there." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Who are you calling delicious you moron?" I asked angrily, disgusted at his choice of words.

He didn't reply, so instead, he unlocked the cell handing out a pair of resin handcuffs in front of me. Before saying in a monotone like he'd said it hundreds of times.

"We give our prisoners exercise and food, otherwise what's the point in having such a fat weak starving girl like you to play with?" 

He unlocked the chains that were holding me. 

"Now hand out your hands. You're going for a walk with the other prisoners."

The chains that were keeping me from attacking him, dropped and a new set of steel wrapped itself comfortably around my wrists. Handcuffing me, he also placed a collar around my neck. This confused me. Seeing my face, the man chuckled. 

"What?" I asked

"Nothing dear, nothing."

"Don't you dare call me dear."

"Well, I just did. We put these around all of our girls necks because we don't want them running away. Then we leash them all by looping chains through these holes, so they are connected to each other, so they walk in a straight line." He stated, lifting the collar up to show me the loophole where he had just looped a chain. yanking me forward with it, he led me past the corridor of cells that surrounded me and stopped in front of a big hall. Looking closely inside, I saw there were other kids like me. All handcuffed with men pulling them with the chains. Wow. I guess I'm not the only one, I thought sarcastically. And what a terrible outcome for a mission that was meant to be easy...

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