In.. jail

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Madison's POV

I was pushed to my place in the line. I was fuming. How dare he call me 'fat'!!!!! I would be sure to show him exactly what I could do.

"Ok, ok! Everyone, line up!" Aiden announced. I growled. Couldn't he see that we were already in a fvcking line?!

"What was that? Madi?" Damien stepped up to me, lowering his voice.

"Oh, nothing," I replied sweetly.

"Oh I'm sure it was something," he matched my sweetness.

I scowled, "well if you must know, I think that you're blind because can't you see that we're in a line already?! Oh, and I also growled."

I don't know what's wrong with telling the truth, but Damien seemed to care a lot. In a heartbeat, I found myself pushed against a wall. Due to natural instinct, I tensed my body and flipped around so that Damien was against the wall. And for good measure, I grabbed onto his shoulder and hip, hauling him over my shoulder so he slammed into the ground. Damien let out a loud groan, making me smirk in satisfaction.

"Not so flabby am I?" I sneered. Damien just replied with another groan of pain.

"Ok Madison, enough, enough," Troy cautioned, side stepping toward me. The other inmates were staring wide eyed at me. I smirked.

"Shouldn't we start exercising? I mean, we're all fat and weak, right? " I mocked.

I smirked. Holding my hands up in a mocking way, I slowly stepped backwards toward the doors, letting myself out. As I walked along the familiar hallway to my 'oh so inviting cell', I wondered if my actions were a bit..... bold. As in, bold enough to attack the... leader?

"Ahh... screw it..." I mumbled softly. Even if I got a punishment, it would probably be conditioning of some sort. Compared to conditioning at BUSA, it would be a piece of cake. I realised that no one had come up behind me at all. I checked the hallways for cameras. With my trained eye, I saw a few cameras disguised in the fake bird nests. I shrugged. Since I was here, and everyone was a douchebag, I might as well dig deeper in this place. You might think why I wouldn't try to break out. Yes, I'd start thinking about it, but as an agent, I need as much information about 'bad guys' as possible, and this was perfect. I mean, this wasn't even jail. But now wasn't a good time.

I sighed as I saw my personal guard was sleeping. I snatched the key off his belt, locking myself in, then throwing the key back at him. It landed on his lap, but he didn't wake up. Geez, they should at least have light sleepers as the guards here. I lay down on the poor excuse of a bed but my stupid pony tail was making me uncomfortable. I pulled the hair tie out. Looking at it, I remember it was a special one from BUSA. It was one of those cool ones with REALLY small buttons that only recognized my fingerprint. I needed to swipe all the way around to activate it and the same to deactivate it. So cool. There was a button to make sure food or drink wasn't poisoned or spiked, one button to make a serrated blade appear and another one that I forgot what it was for.

Once again, I laid down and closed my eyes.


The sound of footsteps echoing through the hallways woke me up. I stood up groggily, rubbing my eyes. I reached for my hair tie around my write and quickly tied my hair up in a high pony tail.

"About time!" I scowled.

Aiden's face appeared in my line of vision. He smirked. Uh oh... here's the punishment coming...

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