Prologue 002

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The next morning, we left as soon as we could. Since nothing much happened in the car(apart from me trashing Mel at HP trivia, sorry not sorry love), I'll give y'all a brief recap of my life. My life as Melissa and I had been designing it all those years.

On the 4th of December, 1979, I was born to Amelia Black and the Greek god of the seas, Poseidon. Next to my mum and I's giant house lived the Potters - Lily, James and Harry. They also lived in a giant house because our deceased relatives were extra as hell. It wasn't as extra as Draco's manor though, thank the gods.

On the other side of the road was a smaller house because it wasn't from any deceased relatives. Guess who lived there?

If you guessed Wolfstar, you're right. They'd been together since their Hogwarts days and got married on the same day as Lily and James.

I was raised there, with my mother's best friends from school as neighbours. Peter was out of the picture for multiple years, but nobody knew why till the 31st of October, 1981.

Voldemort came to try and kill Harry, but in this version of the infamous story, all three Potters survived. Hallowe'en got ten times better.

Peter was given a life sentence in Azkaban and Sirius never had to experience the place at all. Harry was raised by his parents and never met his Muggle relatives. All he knew about them was from stories, as it should have been. He was never abused and never had any trauma or scars.

Well, he still had one scar, but that's fine.⚡

So, you might be wondering why I lived in the Muggle world for 11 years. Well, keep reading.

The day before the day before my 11th birthday, 1990, at 23:59 hours exactly, I was transported to the Muggle world. I got to experience 11 years in a day(don't even try mathing this maths). I got to experience technology, Taylor Swift music, and life as a Gen Z before anyone else.

So, when it was the early, early hours of the 4th of December, 2022, it was also the early, early hours of the 4th of December, 1990. And so, when I reached the Black Family Residence on my birthday(2022), I would get to my birthday in 1990. Heather Day was spent in 2022.

I know, I know, it's confusing as hell, but just go with it. All you need to know is that I'm giving all my friends at Hogwarts phones. 

As for Mel, she and her brother Theodore lived with my mum and me because their parents, the Notts, were in Azkaban. The three of us grew up as siblings, and I'm eternally grateful for it.

OH! Also, Percy Jackson is my older brother, so for story purposes, he was born on the 18th of August 1978, not 1993.

So, now that I've explained all that, let's go back to the story.


3rd Person POV

"Mum!" said Gemetta, running and hugging her mother.

"Gem! I missed you, darling. Happy Birthday!" said Amelia Black.

"Mum, I was gone for a day."

"No, you were gone for eleven years." 

"Skip the technicalities, people. Hi Mum!" said an impatient Melissa.

After lots of hugs and "thank you"s to the Carters, Amelia, Lily and the bois wanted 'deets'.

So they filled her in. They explained how Dr Taylor Alison The-Music-Industry Swift was the best singer-songwriter on the planet and would be born in 9 days, so they had to visit every hospital in Pennsylvania to "witness the birth of the music industry herself", how smartphones were amazhang(someone get my HoO ref here please) and they'd brought back iPhone 13s with custom cases for everyone.

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