Year 3 - Chapter 002

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A/N: the stuff within ~~ <--- those and in italics are jumbled-up lyrics that somehow relate to what you read before them

Gem slept in her dorm for about 2 hours. She hated nightmares, but as a demigod, she had to deal with them every night. The only thing that helped was her Harry.

She went over to his dorm and knocked on the door. Barely five seconds later, Harry opened the door.

"Were you awake all this while?" she asked him.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep. Plus, I was expecting you."

She smiled and went in. Both of them knew they wouldn't be sleeping for a while, so they decided to talk.

Harry wrapped his arms around her and started playing with her hair. She pulled him closer, feeling safe in his embrace.

They spoke about Quidditch, Dementors, Uncle Moony, and Peter bloody Pettigrew.

"I mean, he's just so ugly and terrible and he betrayed the people who considered him a best friend in school when nobody else even liked him! I don't blame them either, he didn't deserve friends and-"

"So, you had a nightmare?" he asked when she had finished ranting about "that rat!" five minutes later.


"Do you wanna talk about it?"



"I love you."

Harry laughed softly. "Love you too, Diamond."

"Hey, remember that time you asked Aunt Lily why you call me that?" Gem asked, rising from the bed.

"Yeah, she told us the story and I decided to say it much more often."

"Well, she is a good storyteller. They all are."

"I suppose they have to be, they did so much stuff when they were our age that there's just so many stories to tell."

"Then we'll have to be good storytellers too, what with all the 'famous Harry Pottah' stuff."

Harry laughed, and they made their way down to the kitchen.


Three years earlier...

"Thanks, Di." said Harry, accepting a glass of water from Gem as she sat down beside him.

"Hey Mum, why do I call Gem 'Diamond'? I can't remember when or why I started saying it." Harry asked.

"Well, there's a bit of a story to that. It was your first word, actually," said Lily.

10 years earlier-earlier...

It was a warm, sunny day.

Lily Potter and Amelia Black were holding Harry and Gemma while the bois were placing bets on their children's love lives and smiling at 'the next generation of mischief makers'.

"Harry, this is Gemetta. You'll call her 'Gem'. 'Gem', like a diamond." said Lily.

"Di-mun?" said Harry, pointing at Gem.

Lily clapped her hands over her mouth in surprise. Harry hadn't ever said a word up until that moment.

There was a lot of commotion in the Potter household that day. James was handed 5 Galleons each by Sirius and Remus. The girls squealed and hugged each other, and then everyone else. Harry and Gem were sitting, extremely confused.

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