Chapter 6: Never Be The Same

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"When I first met you, I thought you were a bitch

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"When I first met you, I thought you were a bitch. I should've known that would be the start of a very powerful friendship. Sisterhood."

—Recovered Correspondance from Lieutenant Mira Sorrengail to her sister, Cadet Aurelia Hawthorne 

Sunlight wafted into Aurelia Hawthorne's room, drenching the curtains in a golden hue that seemed to only grow tenfold whenever she moved. Two years later, and the Sorrengail house had become as familiar to her as Hawthorne Manor.

She moved swiftly, packing a change of clothes and a few apples in her bag for the journey to Naverre's capital; Calldyr City, the home of the king. He'd ordered her presence for some celebration and to help strategize an attack on invading nations.

"King Tauri is an asshole," Mira deadpanned, watching as Aurelia laced up her boots against the doorframe from where she sat on her bed. "No leadership. Doesn't deserve that ridiculous crown he prances around with—"

"Okay," Aurelia laughed, grabbing her blazer from the coat hanger. "I get it. Not a fan."

"Who's not a fan?" Violet asked, popping her head into the doorway.

Aurelia rolled her eyes, tossing a peach to Violet, who bit down on the soft fruit with a groan of pleasure. "Mira's bashing on our leadership again."

"Rightfully so," The older Sorrengail said.

Violet nodded in approval. "Can't argue with her about Tauri. The stick up his ass probably knocked some internal organs in the process."

Mira high-fived Violet, shooting a look of glee at Aurelia.

She tucked her dagger into its sheath near her chest, keeping it as close to her as possible even though she knew it would return back to her.

Still, she wanted a memory of the past to hold onto.

Mira tossed another one, which Aurelia caught, tucking it behind her back, underneath her blazer.

Violet sighed. "What am I going to do while you're gone? Mira's returning later today for the opening ceremony of the riders quadrant."

Aurelia tucked a piece of hair behind Violet's ear, playfully brushing her nose. "Just be grateful you're training to be a scribe. From what I've heard, I have a lot to look forward to next year."

Mira shook her head. "It's the first year that the Marked Ones enter as well. Everyone's been holding their breath. I guess I should be grateful I completed my first year as peacefully as possible. I can't help but feel sorry for this year's first years."

Aurelia hid her look of shock before it was too late.

Xaden Riorson and Garrick Tavis.

It was their year.

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