Chapter 7: The Ascent

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"As for the 107 innocents, the children of the executed officers, they now carry what shall be known as the rebellion relic, transferred by the dragon who carried out the kings justice

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"As for the 107 innocents, the children of the executed officers, they now carry what shall be known as the rebellion relic, transferred by the dragon who carried out the kings justice. And to show the mercy of our great king, they will all be conscripted into the prestigious Riders Quadrant at Basgiath, so they may prove their loyalty to our kingdom with their service or with their lives."

—The Treaty Of Aretia: Addendum 4.2

The sun shined ever brighter today, but Aurelia knew that it was only to say a final goodbye. She tightened the straps of her rucksack, thankful that Mira had instructed her to bring only the basics; clothes, weapons, and a confident attitude.

Mira had told her that potential first-years often tried to phys each other out on the before the parapet. The fewer cadets that make it to the other side, the less they have to beat at Threshing.

Aurelia knew that King Tauri's second son would be arriving as well—Alic. With her and Dain, those three were practically flaming red targets for all the Marked Ones.

Aurelia shifted from one to the other, steadying her breathing once again. She almost reached inside her bag for one of General Sorrengail's anti-anxiety meds, but she thought better of it.

She needed to conserve them.

Imogen. Bohdi. 107 Marked Ones—some of which she didn't remember, would be making their way slowly to Bagsagith War College over the next few years. The same people she had been forced to turn her back on in the name of her father. The same people she'd come face to face within Riorson's house mere months ago.

Aurelia remembered the look on Xaden's face when he all but demanded she be thrown out of his house. Garrick and Imogen took a different approach, staring blankly at the girl as if asking if she was okay, their eyes begging to hear the truth about what she had done all those years ago.

But Aurelia knew she didn't deserve that. She deserved every single foul word Xaden had spat at her. Every single venomous look he had given her. Garrick had to barrel him to the ground to stop Xaden from lunging at her.

It wasn't until Brennan stepped in that Aurelia managed to school her features. She'd rebuffed Garrick and Imogen's questions, refusing to answer.

What the hell was she going to tell them? That she was blackmailed into renouncing the rebellion? That she didn't mean what she was saying during her speech, but it was some messed up magic from General Sorrengail? That she had to lay low for years, pretending to be this perfect Navarrian princess?

That sounded like the biggest slap of lies she could think of.

"Ready?" Dain Aetos asked, knocking on her door, dressed up in tight-fitted and waterproof material.

Aurelia sighed, smoothing out the hair tightly braided down her back. "Yes."

Dain scoffed, turning to move down the stairs and forcing Aurelia to follow. "I still think you should have cut it."

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