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Paul's POV
One year ago

I was at the beach just chilling with my friends Embry, Quil, and Jacob, I didn't really hang out with Embry outside of school... I don't know why though he's pretty cool I like hanging out with him anyway we're just kinda talking and throwing the football around at the beach when suddenly a girl yells for Embry she looks to be about twelve maybe thirteen I'm currently fifteen so are the other two so I wonder how she knows him but she looks annoyed...well actually she looks kinda pissed yet still very pretty- wait did I just think that? Weird I watch as she storms over they are having a quiet conversation I start to throw the ball to Jacob as Quil stands with Embry suddenly I look back over just in time to see the fireball of a girl smack Embry upside his head and next thing I know I'm being knocked on the ground by a football hitting my face Jake laughed before coming to help me up "sorry dude I thought you were open" he comments to me holding out his hand i huff but i know it was my fault "i got distracted" i say before I lower my voice "do you know that girl?" I ask Jake who looks at me confused and questions "who?" I sigh before answering the obvious "The hot one, talking to Em" I nod in her direction "oh no" he mumbles  he starts to get a little louder "no no Koda is going to be thirteen next week do not call her hot she's just a baby still, Besides she's off limits." He looks at me seriously. "well who is she?" I kinda sounded like I whined 'wtf' I thought to myself. He sighs "That's Koda Blackcrow... Embry's baby sister." Embry looks upset as he walks over to us. "I gotta get home my parents have been trying to get ahold of me for an hour they want us to go eat and the diner in Forks but before we go Paul yo haven't met my sister, This is Koda. Koda this is Paul." I smile at her and hold my hand out for her to take and before I know it the words are falling out of my mouth "nice to meet you beautiful" I couldn't even stop myself earning a blush from Koda and a glare from Embry "aaand we're done here" he says all but dragging her away "nice to meet you too!" She hollered over her shoulder as he pulled her further away.

Six months ago

'I can't believe this' I think to myself staring where my feet were a second ago now in there place was a pair of silver paws they 'im dreaming. I have to be' I look around to find anything that would indicate I was in fact dreaming, anything that seemed to not belong there apart from the obvious- the fact that I now stood on four legs instead of two and have giant paws nothing seemed out of place. I broke a bunch of stuff in a fit of rage. Suddenly I'm approached by my ex Best friend Jared who ditched me to hang out with an older boy Sam, he's 20 and Jared  started to follow him around then he missed school for a few weeks when I tried to talk to him he said he was sick, but then he stopped answering all together when he returned to school he cut his hair real short and had a tattoo he seemed to have gotten more built and even grew a few inches taller, I recognized the tattoo knowing it was the symbol of our tribe I thought it was nice I new Sam had it too and that part bothered me it was as if he was turning himself into a "Sam Clone" his appearance and his behavior. I tried to speak to him that day, but he told me he no longer wanted to be my friend. But that's not why I was breaking things now I was supposed to celebrate my sixteenth birthday with my dad but he left a very vague message saying he wouldn't be able to make it home for my birthday he promised normally I don't get my hopes up but sixteen is a big deal around here i thought he'd realize that and actually uphold his promise just this one night. I should've known a sharp growl rumbles through me at the sight of the only person I've ever trusted. He left me. "Woh easy buddy I just wanna help" he says slowly putting his hands up showing he comes in peace I lower my head and let out a small whine "Take deep breaths and picture yourself human again you need to be calm for it to work" he tells getting closer to me slowly"i took a few deep breaths trying to picture my hands- my human hands.... nothing I let out a huff and try again and again after my fifth try I'm finally able to see hands and feet instead of paws I sigh with relief Jared went to my room as soon as he noticed i was begining to calm down and I now know its because i was naked when i was back to normal.

Jared and Sam both helped me out a lot and like Jared I got called out of school because I was "sick" Sam took me in told the school that my father called and asked him to take care of me and he was now my guardian and emergency contact but that I wouldn't be in school for a couple weeks because I had "caught the flu" he still lets me stay in my house but said his house is always open for me as well. I returned to school after a couple weeks and avoided everyone except Jared although I can't seem to avoid this girl Katie she's like obsessed with me- she's hot don't get me wrong- I just haven't been able to think of anyone but Embry's little sister- in fact she's what came on my mind and that's what calmed me down that day.... Normally i'd have no trouble flirting with Katie but now for some reason it felt wrong- but not because I wasn't into Katie it wasn't Katie I felt bad for as terrible as that sounds...I felt like I was betraying Koda...a girl I met for two seconds before.   We're going cliff diving Sam Jared and I Sam's bringing his new girlfriend Emily and Jared is bringing his girlfriend Kim. They want us all to meet.

After school

I made it to the beach first because I didn't have anyone I needed to pick up, so I'm walking around in just my cutoff jean shorts making my way to the water to wait for the others when a screech catches my attention I go on high alert and turn to where the sound came from and there she was in the water, looking like she just got splashed in the face judging by the water dripping down and the shocked expression on her face "Seth! I'm going to kill you!" She says to the boy in front of her laughing at what he did and he gets out running away "you have to catch me first!" He runs past me and I'm not paying attention I'm lost in my thoughts when something hits me and a soft thump and an "oof" is heard I look down "shit sorry" she mumbles not looking up "it's my fault really I wasn't paying attention" I reached my hand out to help her "no really I was running fast and I should've been more aware of my surroundings it's a bad habit of mine my father tells me all the time" she responds taking the help she finally looks up when she's on her feet "thank you" she says and we lock eyes suddenly everything around us fades away and it's just her and me i see pictures of us in my head us becoming friends, me trying to convince her we would be a good couple, us finally going on our first date, our first kiss, her seeing my wolf for the first time, us having kids, getting married, there was a few images of what looked like us arguing, and making up. She is my world now, i'd do anything for her.

So here's chapter 2 gives you a little backstory on Koda and Paul Paul will often call her "Bear" Koda is traditionally a boys name but i think it suits her if her name was short for Dakota it would mean "friend" but since it's used as just Koda and not as a nickname it means "Little Bear" so that's why he calls her "Bear" her dad being a bear shifter is why she's has her name. The Bear has a special meaning to her father, which is why his warrior spirit took the form of a bear; But we'll come to that later! Also I know that these first few chapters aren't great but I'm hoping it will get better as the story goes on, I have all these great ideas but the second I go to type it down, I draw a blank so I am doing my absolute damnedest to make this good and keep going I haven't been able to finish even one of my stories yet so I'm hoping to every deity and higher being in existence that I will finish this one and it will be a masterpiece. Thanks for reading and thank you for your patience! I appreciate it.

Word count 1426

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