Efforts pay.

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The next day came and guess what? Yes, Sitti was fasting. Shams kept on ringing her phone earlier that day. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately rather, Sitti was the type of person who can't sleep once she is awake. So, she had no choice but to get up from her bed, eat what Shams gave her and made the intention to fast.

She was on her way to the library during lunch break. She intended to spend her time there as Louise and the others took their lunch. She saw Shams from the opposite direction of the hallway. She saw her too and started walking intently towards me. "Are you fasting?" She asked.


"Alhamdulillah." She looked so happy with her news. "MSA has free iftar later. Let's break our fasting with our sisters." She suggested.

"Sure." Sitti replied nonchalantly.

"I'm going to the prayer room. Wanna come?" She still couldn't stop smiling.

"No thanks. I'm off to the library." Sitti didn't wait for her reply. She started walking away.

"Okay then. See you later in class." She heard her replied. She just waved back without turning to look at her.

Shams became persistent with this act in the succeeding days, even on weekends! Sitti told her to stop every time, but she didn't listen. One time, as the bell rang for dismissal, she immediately gathered her things and went home to her dorm. She didn't know if Shams saw her or called her name, Sitti chose not to sense.

But minutes after arriving at her dorm, she heard a knock on her door. She opened it and found a dormmate behind it. "Someone's looking for you." She informed Sitti.

She was confused. She only had Louise coming into her dorm once. Why was she here?

"Shams?" But then it wasn't Louise. Sitti found Shams instead, at their dormitory's common room. "What are you doing here?"

She was smiling again. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to catch you going home earlier. But here's your sahoor food anyway." She was carrying another paper bag.

She was unbelievable. "Shams, you know that this isn't necessary, right?" Sitti asked rhetorically.

She swayed her hand. "Don't worry. It's not a big deal."

"No, seriously." Sitti objected. "Your parents are sending you money for your food, not for me." She didn't want to have any sentimental debt with her. Honestly, she was starting to be guilty with her previous grudge for Shams.

"I have enough in my dorm. And I know you have enough too. I just wanted to share. It's Ramadhan anyways. And we are sisters in deen." She reasoned out.

How she loved calling any Muslim her sister. Sitti sighed. "Well, I guess I just have to accept this now you're here." She uttered as she held the paper bag she was carrying. "Thanks." She timidly and kind of shyly said.

"You're welcome. Brought you some snacks for iftar too. Bye! See you tomorrow inn shaa Allah."

Sitti was on her own again, one break time. It was activity hour and Louise were with the others taking their snacks. Sitti just came out from the library where she was supposed to stay for an hour. But it was too crowded and noisy. Midterm will be next week, so a lot of the students were studying. She was walking aimlessly when suddenly someone held her by the arm. It was Shams.

"Off to somewhere?" She asked.

"Nowhere, actually." She honestly replied.

"Come with me." She started pulling Sitti.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

Shams pulled Sitti towards a Conference Hall where small events are usually held. There were people getting in and out. Most were bearded men and Hijab-wearing women. By the look of it, it was an Islamic event.

"Where are you taking me?" Sitti harden her stand so Shams would stop walking. But she was so persistent.

Both of them entered the Hall, with Shams clinging to Sitti's arm so she can't escape. Inside the Hall were rows of seats. Seating on the left side, in front of a shaykh were Muslim men. On the right side were Muslim women. There were just tens of them listening attentively to the shaykh. Shams pulled Sitti to the women's section and they sat side by side. Surprisingly, not everyone in the Hall was also wearing the Hijab. Left with no choice, Sitti listened to the shaykh and spent her spare time there.

It was an Islamic symposium that talked about the virtues of Ramadhan. It wasn't Sitti's first time to listen to such but somehow, they felt new to her. She was reminded that fasting is an article of her faith, that the Qur'an was revealed during this month of Ramadhan, that Shaytan is locked down, that a gate in Jannah is dedicated for those who are dedicated to fasting, that the reward for fasting is up to Allah's discretion. It was just an hour talk but sure did, Sitti learned a lot.

"How blessed Ramadhan is! Don't you wish it would last the entire year?" Shams exclaimed as they were walking to their room for the next class.

Sitti was also able to realize how blessed Ramadhan is. But not to the point of hoping it lasted for 365 days. That's a year of hunger too.

"It is. But don't you think it's too heavy for us if we must fast all year round? I mean we got PE and heavy stuff to do." Sitti verbalized her thoughts to Shams.

Shams agreed with me. "You're right, Sitti. It's just that, every act of worship we do during Ramadhan is multiplied a thousand folds. Earning rewards for the Hereafter will be easier. I wouldn't even fear dying already while I'm fasting." Shams couldn't contain her enthusiasm.

"Knock on wood. That's so morbid." Sitti found herself finding a way to avoid bad luck hitting her.

Yet, Shams just giggled. "It's inevitable, you know." She continued. "Death knows no age. I just pray the angel of death takes my soul while Allah is pleased with me."

"What if it's the devil?" Sitti ignorantly asked.

Shams stared at her; confused. Sitti laughed. "I was just kidding, Shams. Sorry."

"Sitti!" It was Louise calling her name. She looked surprise and questioning. They were seatmates so even when Sitti and Shams were to enter the same room, she had to bid her goodbye.

"See you later." Sitti told her. And it was the first time she told her that.

Shams replied with her usual cheery face, "inn shaa Allah."

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