Chapter 2: Mean Mater

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     Hilda finally reached the station and greeted her friends. "Hello James! Hello Thomas! How are you guys today?" asked Hilda. "Good! And you?" Said James and Thomas in unison. "I'm great! Thank you for asking! I would like you to meet my friends Lightning McQueen and and Mater!" replied Hilda. Lightning McQueen smiled happily but Mater just scowled. "What are these TRAINS doing here?  Hilda I thought you knew better than to hang out with these COAL PUFFERS!" Mater stormed off.

     Thomas had tears in his eyes, he had been called a coal puffer when he was younger. It was the slur for tank engines and it really hurt his feelings to be called that again. Everyone was shocked by Mater's behavior. "Wow.... I never thought Mater would stoop to that level.. I would have never expected him to say that... I am so sorry Thomas and James. I'll try to have a word with him!- Hilda interrupted Lightning McQueen. "No, i'll go get him." Hilda added. 

     "Are you alright Thomas?" apologized Lightning McQueen. But Thomas was too upset to reply. James tried to console him but it didn't seem to be working. "Umm.. Would you like to race maybe?" asked Lightning McQueen.  Thomas's eyes lit up and he wiped his tears. "I-I would love too!" responded Thomas. 

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