Chapter 7

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As Twix handed his phone to the officer, out of the corner of my eye I could see Takeru lose his footing and begin to fall. It was as if everything was going in slow motion, the officer had dropped the phone and tried to catch him, but I could tell he wasn't going to make it. I whipped around and caught him just before he hit the ground.

"Takeru! Takeru!" I yelled, holding him close and tapping his face softly. He was running a fever and was sweating heavily. Takeru was completely unresponsive, and I felt something wet on my hand so I took my jacket off and laid Takeru on it slowly on the ground. When I had finally let go of Takeru, my hand that was supporting his head was covered in blood. I felt my rage build up as I looked at the blood on my hand. Ryan had slammed his head so hard he cracked his skull and broke skin; I plan on giving him the same treatment and then some.

"There isn't anything wrong with him. Just wake him up, he has work in an hour" Takeru's uncle had said pushing pass the officer and Twix. He started shaking and slapping Takeru across the face, I don't know what took over me but the next thing I knew I had his uncle lifted off the ground choking him.

"Have you lost your mind? Laying your disgusting hands on him, you must have a death wish" I said as the officer jumped up and drew his gun pointing at me.

"Drop him! Now!" The officer yelled ready to fire. Everything in me wanted to snap this fucker's neck, the sun had seemed to fade. Everything turned a light shade of red and time slowed almost to a stop.

"Calm down Jun, You don't want to do that" I heard a voice say as they laid their hand on my shoulder. My alter had shown himself in a black suit, black gloves with his hair flowing freely. His aura was red and murderous, but his actions were calm and smooth. he was behind me one second and in front of me the next, He moved in quick swift movements, you couldn't even see it.

"Our Rose bud is not safe. He is our priority. We gave him our word, are we not a man of our word?" He asked bluntly motioning to Takeru unconscious on the floor.

"Speak. What are my options?" I said looking at him trying to calm down.

"Our first option is we could deal with him now and put a end to his life but that officer will put a bullet into us and we will be arrested. Then would protect and care for our rose bud and sweet Risha? The second option is we can calm down and release him and take our little bud to the hospital and care for him at our home where we know he will be safe." He Explained taking a deep breath and crossing his hands behind his back waiting for an answer.

"You are correct. We can deal with the scum who has brought harm to our rose bud at a more appropriate time and place." I said as I calmed down. Time seemed to resume again, and Takeru's uncle was kicking and gagging on his own spit. I threw him to the ground and fixed my clothing, My alter had only nodded at me and vanished just as fast as he appeared. I looked at the officer and put my hands up showing him I was surrendering.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper" I said as the officer holstered his gun and started tending to Takeru once again.

"He may have a subdural hematoma. He needs a doctor now" The officer said calling for a bus on his walkie. The bus would take too long, Sebastian could be here in 2 minuets tops.

"Twix, go in my back pocket and call Sebastian and tell him to get his ass here now" I said gathering Takeru in my arms and walking toward the exit.

"You shouldn't move him the ambulance is on its way" The officer said trying to stop me.

"I can get him there faster. My ride will be outside in one minute, I'm not waiting for him to die." I said walking passed all the students who were videoing the entire ordeal as Twix was pushing them out of the way.

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