The Only Hope for Me

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Author's note:

Another needlessly long oneshot by yours truly because I, much like Frank, cannot shut the fuck up. Ever.

Thank you so much to Cher, and Tiggy, and Jo, and Brittany, and Saint and and and and and I have SO many people to list! You guys are my biggest cheerleaders, and you never fail to give me a boost just when I need it so I can keep writing.

I am @pixie_revolver on twitter if you'd like to go yell at me over there! I really hope y'all enjoy this one, it might be one of my favorites that I've been working on! Drink water take your meds luh you! <3

"PARTY!" Frank was screaming, and trying to jump out of the moving vehicle, frantically enough that Mikey had to haul him backwards into the van by the back of his vest. "Fuck off, Kobra, get off of me!" Frank yanked himself free, scrambling once again towards the open trunk doors. Mikey was still trying to pull him back by his fucking legs, but Frank kicked out at him, landing a boot square in his chest.

"Shit!" Mikey groaned, anger surging through his face, "Ghoul, calm dow–"

"That's your brother, asshole!!" Frank said, snatching his gun from the carpeted floor to fire a series of blasts at the white car following them. As well as he could, anyway, with the way the van was swerving, trying to avoid the ray gun fire that was headed in their direction.

The car stuck out so drastically against the orange sand, throwing billowing clouds into the air behind it. There were 4 dracs, one driving, and 3 hanging out the windows, firing at the van. One of them had a bright red splatter of blood soaking into the too white fabric on his right arm. Fucking served him right.

"Jet!" Mikey shouted, staring at the front seat, "Jet!!" He's finally started to look panicked. Like Frank screaming had turned a key in the ignition and now the engine in his brain was ramping up, flipping through gears at a rapid pace. "RAY!"

"Turn the fuck around!" Frank screamed, because Mikey may have been finally catching up to speed, but it wasn't nearly fast enough. Someone had to be the voice of reason, and apparently Frank was taking the job. "Turn around and go BACK!"

"I'm fucking working on it!" Ray screamed right back, glancing over his shoulder. "How close are they?!"

"It doesn't matter, man, just turn around!" Frank said, his voice hysterical, and he was only vaguely aware of the fact that he had tears on his face. He wasn't entirely sure when that had started, but it was sure as fuck where he ended up.

He was firing blasts behind them at an almost constant rate, to the point that his ray gun was starting to heat up to an almost painful level. He held out his hand and Mikey put a different gun into it. Gerard's gun. His stomach was rolling, and he felt like he was struggling to breathe.

"I said I'm working on it, Ghoul! How many are there?!" Ray took a sharp turn, and somehow this actually aided Frank in catching one of the dracs right in the throat.

"3 now!" Mikey shouted, scrambling to find his own gun and join Frank in the effort of trying to get BLI's finest off of their tail.


"Hey, it's better than the 3 cars we had before–"

"Where did they go?" Mikey asked suddenly, and Frank's heart fucking stopped in his chest.

Where did they go?

"You don't think..."

The van gave a lurch, causing both Frank and Mikey to cling to each other and the edge of the door so they didn't fall out of the back. Ray apparently got the gist of what they were saying, or rather, not saying.

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