Team Neutral

15 4 3

A/N: The internet is surprisingly good in the vehicle, so I'm writing again.

Warnings: Swearing, Fighting and just pure fluff + broken comedy

You just woke up from your deep slumber. Squinting your eyes, your eyes slowly starts to adjust to the sunlight coming in from the glass-wall, and the knowing sorroundings. The first thing you noticed while waking up is that the time.

"Huh? What time is it?-" You groan a little before stretching your hands when a voice startles you a little. "It's 1:21 P.M Ms. L/N." Friday's smooth voice booms through your room. "..1:21? What? Steve should've wake me up on 5 A.M."

You furrow your eyebrows before sitting up and moving to a side of your bed, hanging your legs. You rub your eyes a little then standing up. "Something is definitely wrong." You yawn before stretching again, this time feeling a little more better. You walk to the door in your room, opening the door and walking in your bathroom.

Just after getting in, you turn the sink on and quickly wash your face. You take your toothbrush from the counter and put some paste on it when you look at the mirror, looking at your face. "What could've happened? The tower is so.. quiet, too, I should've been hearing the shouting of Thor and Clint by now." You thought as you finish brushing your teeths.

You turn the sink off, get the towel from the second counter and wipe the water off your face and dry your hands. You get out of the bathroom when something ticked in your brain. "Oh I'm so rstupid, I can just ask Friday." You let out a sigh of frustration before putting the towel down. "But I should look around the tower first."

You quickly get dressed in your everyday clothes and get out of your room. You felt the quiet atmosphere sorrounding you, it was odd. You looked around yourself before going to the kitchen and taking a box of cereal out.

"Did they left me out? But.. why? Did they go out without me? No they could never. But what happened then?" You thought and then took milk out of the fridge. You placed the cereal box on the table, putting the milk next to it. You go to the kitchen counter and get a bowl out.

"Let's eat first, then I can ask Friday." You said to yourself before making the cereal, and sitting down on the chair before the kitchen table-counter. After a few minutes of silently eating, you started to get worried.

"Friday? Where are the others?" You asked the Artificial Intelligence. "Mr Stark told me to not-" The AI started speaking, but you cut it off. "He always tells you to not tell me what they are doing, I'm not going to ask a third time Friday. Where are they?" You talked to the AI in a commanding voice, as if the AI could feel emotions. "I'm afraid I cannot tell you Ms. L/N. I apologize." The AI blurts out, voice sounding loud in the quiet tower.

"Friday, They might be in need of help. Tell me where are they?" You finally decided you would get nothing out of being demanding so you spoke in a softer voice. "Do not try to get any more excuses Friday." The warn still remained in you voice though. The AI stayed silent for some moments before speaking. "..They are fighting in Leipzig/Halle Airport Ms. L/N." Friday explained.

"They are.. fighting? Why? Why did nobody told me this. Oh god." You leave the cereal on the table, going back to your room. You take your backpack and your phone then you go back to the kitchen. You take some food, like popcorn, frozen ice-cream, chocolates, two burgers. You take them and fill your backpack, and place the backpack on the counter.

"Oh, shoot I forgot my watch." You hurriedly go back to your room and take your watch from the desk by your closet. "Wait, I have my phone. Why would I need my- whatever." You decided to take your watch anyway before going out of your room and locking it behind.

You go back to the kitchen, pick your backpack up from the counter and then take a bag of chips in your hand. "Nobody will mind if I take Clint's chips right? Yeah whatever, they care too much to get angry at me." You smirk, then go to Tony's lab.

Oh did I mention that your Peter's elder sister? You were in the Avengers Tower much before Tony recruited Peter. You remember Tony asking you if you had any siblings or any relatives that is young, you told him you had a younger brother. You still wonder why he wanted to know that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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