7 Minutes in Heaven - Test tube/Bruce Banner

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Warnings: Fluff, Swearing

It was a off day for everyone in the compound. Tony runs to the living room. "Friday, call everyone." He says to the AI. "Calling everyone"

A minute or two later some people start coming, "Why did you call Tony?" Natasha asks. "This better be important, Tony." Y/N sighs. "Oh it is! Trust me." Tony says.

"Can't trust you outside work Stark." Y/N says. That's when the vent broke and Clint fall from it. "AH!-" Clint falls. "I'm okay-" He stands up like nothing happened and dusts off his clothes. Natasha and you sigh.

Then Thor booms into the room, Steve and Bruce following behind. "Did something happened?!-" Thor was saying more like yelling when he noticed everything is okay. "Oh."
Bruce comes in. "I was at the Lab when Friday called me, what's the problem Tony?" Bruce asked with his normal voice. He'd be quieter if he was unfamiliar with us.

"Oh, wait for everyone to come here Jollygreen." As Tony said this Bucky and Loki's presence was in the room. "What now?" Bucky said, quite grumpy. "We still need two more people." Tony says. "Even though I don't want to invite one of them." Tony sighs as he dials a number.

"Beep... beep... beep.. What the fuck do you want old man?" The voice said from the other side.

"Not older then your boyfriend." Tony said rolling his eyes.

"What do you want Tony?" The voice sighs and asks.


"Stop with the flirting and be serious." The voice said.

"Well, bring yourself and the Wizard to the compound, were playing a game."

"Bet." The phone goes off.

"There we. They will be here in a moment." Tony says and looks at the team. "Did you seriously called Tyler and Strange? Both of them have a lot of work-" Y/N said

Orange sparks were seen in the room then it turned into a portal. Tyler was seen to drag Strange by his ear through the portal. "I don't want to go." Strange said. "There is no choice Doc." Tyler said and closed the portal. "So. Were here. Which game are we playing?"

"Wait a game? You seriously brought us here for a fucking game?!" Bucky said getting annoyed.
"Language." Steve said. "Well, I'm playing since Y/N and Tyler is here" He smirks. "Back off Loki. Tyler is mine." Strange said and Tyler laughed a little. "Come on, give Y/N some attentio-" Tyler looks at Y/N and sees Loki flirting and Bruce looked kind of angry. "Oh god." Tyler whispers.

"Alright, alright! Enough everyone! Let's start the game." Tony said getting everyone's attention. "Sit in a circle." Tony said. "I don't want to play Tyler." Strange said looking at Tyler. "You'll manage dear." Tyler smirks.


Everyone sat in a circle. "So, the game were playing is 7 minutes in heaven. There is going to be a box with everyone's things that symbols them. Pick a thing from the box and see what you got. Whoever's stuff you got, you will need to spend 7 minutes with that person in a room." Tony explains.

Steve nods then reassures Bucky that it'll be fun and Bucky said 'Fine.' Loki, Y/N and Strange looked bored, Bruce was looking shy, Tony looked quite excited so was Clint. Tyler was also excited. Natasha had a little motivation to play the game because everyone was playing.

"So who goes first?" Tyler asked. "I'll do it." Y/N said and pushed her hand in the box that was in the middle of all of them. "Uhh.. a test tube? Does this mean it's Bruce?" Y/N asked to be sure. "It is infact Banner. So go on, get up and to the room you go." Tony says. 

Tony pushed Bruce and Y/N in the room and closed the door. "Oh god.. that man is.." She trails off. Y/N looks at Bruce. "What do we do in the mean time Bruce?" Y/N asked the shy scientist. "I.. I don't know. What do you want to do?" Bruce asked in a quiet voice. "Your so cute." Y/N said. "What?-" Bruce thought he heard the wrong thing. "Oh shit- did I say that out loud?" A blush covers Y/N's face.

Bruce chuckled nervously. "You did." He said. "Oh well, no use on hiding this now." Y/N said as she got close to Bruce. "What do you mean by that?" Bruce asked. "Your adorable Brucie Bear." Y/N grinned. "I mean that, I love you." Bruce froze. "Wh-what? Why would you love me?" Bruce asked. 

"I love you because I love you and because I can and because your so fucking sweet and hard to resist." Y/N said tracing her hand on Bruce's purple shirt. Y/N rises her head to meet Bruce's eyes and sees that Bruce was cautiously watching her every move. Y/N cups Bruce's cheek and pulls him to a kiss. Bruce was surprised but quickly got a hold of Y/N's hip.

The kiss was passionate, soft and sweet. It was like everything around you both disappeared. Like anything that was actually in the world was only you two.

Both of you broke the kiss. Bruce was staring into your eyes. "I love you too Y/N." Bruce said in a soft but shy voice.  Y/N smiled. "I'm glad." Tyler pulled Bruce to another kiss. It was more of a mouth to mouth kiss but it was still not aggressive and that was what Y/N wanted.

This kiss lasted longer then the last one. Bruce gripped Y/N's ass and pulls her close to himself as the kiss starts to get heated. Bruce broke it this time. "The big guy may come out." Bruce said.

"It's fine. I like the big guy anyway." Y/N said. "Just because of him I can't even enjoy my time with you." Bruce said, sounding just a little upset. "One day it'll be fine Brucie Bear." Y/N reassured him. "One day." Bruce said.

Then Clint broke in. "It has been 9 minutes you two. Come out." He said. Bruce and you go out. "Did you two do something?" Tyler was wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk. "Nothing." Y/N quickly said as she and Bruce went back to their seats. "Like we'll believe it." Tony and Y/N says together. 

"When will this stupidness end?" Strange and Loki said.

Words: 1083

A/N: Also the first few lines where Tony brings everyone and makes them sit will be the same in every other chapters of this. So very sorry but my laziness gets the best of me. 3 chapters in one day? Let's go! Also these were the apologies because i wasn't here for a while.

- Tyler 🖤

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