Act 2 Scene 3

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**Scene 3: Encounter with the professor**

*Setting: The secluded study of Professor Dawn, located within a hidden chamber beneath the lighthouse. The air is thick with anticipation as Charlotte and James stand before the enigmatic mentor.*

*At rise, CHARLOTTE and JAMES enter the professor's study, their expressions a mix of apprehension and curiosity.*

**PROFESSOR DAWN:** (regal) Welcome, seekers of knowledge. I have been expecting you.

**CHARLOTTE:** (intrigued) How... how did you know we would come here?

**PROFESSOR DAWN:** (smiling knowingly) The lighthouse has a way of drawing those who seek the truth. You are not the first, nor will you be the last.

*As Charlotte and James exchange puzzled glances, Professor Dawn gestures for them to take a seat.*

**JAMES:** (hesitant) Who are you, really? And what do you know about the powers we've discovered?

**PROFESSOR DAWN:** (mysterious) I am but a humble guardian of ancient knowledge, tasked with preserving the secrets of this sacred place. As for your powers, they are a manifestation of the lighthouse's ancient magic, a gift bestowed upon those deemed worthy.

*Charlotte and James exchange a skeptical glance, unsure of what to make of the professor's cryptic words.*

**CHARLOTTE:** (skeptical) And what if we're not worthy? What if these powers are more of a curse than a gift?

**PROFESSOR DAWN:** (wise) The path you choose is yours to walk, seekers of truth. But know this – with great power comes great responsibility. You must learn to harness your abilities, lest they consume you.

*As the conversation unfolds, Charlotte and James feel a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of their consciousness.*

**JAMES:** (resolute) We won't let fear dictate our fate, Professor. We'll face whatever challenges come our way, together.

**PROFESSOR DAWN:** (nodding) Together, indeed. But beware, seekers of truth, for the shadows that lurk within the lighthouse hold secrets darker than you can imagine.

*With a somber warning, Professor Dawn bids them farewell, leaving Charlotte and James to ponder the mysteries that lie ahead.*

*Fade out.*


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