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*semi couldn't take it anymore, he needed to find shirabu, he immediatly went back stage, he wasn't stopped by security, which was surprising, bc normally security wouldn't let anyone into back stage to see the celebrity. Semi got back stage, he opened the room where the celebrity would usually get ready for their concert, only to find shirabu sitting on the floor, crawled up in a ball, his legs up to his chest, silently crying, he saw that the jacket he had all the time, was actually semi's jacket, that he had given to him when it was rainning and he had forgotten his umbrella*

*Semi was now completely heartbroken. At this point, there was no way he could hold back his tears. He quickly sat down next to Shirabu, still trying to calm himself down*

*Shirabu was now completely vulnerable in front of him. He no longer felt the need to hide anymore...he was just too tired emotionally to do so. He hugged Semi tightly, not wanting to let him go...*

*Semi takes a hesitant step closer to Shirabu, not sure of what to do....but then he finally just can't stand by and watch him suffer like that anymore....so he crouches down and pulls Shirabu into a warm hug to comfort him. He starts rubbing circles on the back of his head with his thumb.*

"It's okay....it's okay....it'll all be alright....everything will be fine....."

*shirabu was surprised by the hug, but breaksdown on semi's arms and hugs him thightly, silently crying, not making too much noise*

*Semi wraps his arms around Shirabu tightly, trying to give him as much comfort as he could. He could feel how tightly Shirabu was holding on to him, how much he really needed this...he couldn't even imagine what had caused Shirabu to feel this way....but he still didn't hesitate to be there for him, and to hold him in his arms.*

*he then heard shirabu ask*

Shirabu:are you gonna reject me....?

*Semi was taken aback by the question, and was not quite sure how to respond at first.....he was still in shock at how emotional and vulnerable Shirabu was right now....but the last thing he would ever do was reject him. So this was his genuine answer.*

"Never. I would never reject you."

Shirabu:why not...?
Why am I important to you...?
What makes you care for me...?
I'm just a simple person....I'm not special....

"You may not be special to a lot of people.....but you are special to me. You're kind, thoughtful, caring, considerate, and even if you don't think so you have a voice that can make anyone speechless. The words you write come from the heart....and make people feel what you feel. All those things I just mentioned.....those are all just a few of the reasons why you're special. You are a precious gift to all of us....do you really think I would ever consider rejecting you?"

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